16 April 2008

CFP - New Voices, New Visions: Challenging Australian Identities and Legacies (26-28 Nov 2008; Brisbane, QLD) Deadline: 10 Aug 2008


'New Voices, New Visions: Challenging Australian identities and legacies.'

Wednesday 26 November - Friday 28 November 2008
To be held at QUT’s Gardens Point Campus (near the River & Botanical Gardens in the CBD of Brisbane).

This conference invites interdisciplinary explorations of the ways in which ideas, representations, narratives of Australia, Australians and Australian experiences have been challenged in the new millennium.

This can include:
* Popular cultures: Australia in literature, film, television, art and music
* Attitudes to the environment
* Changing political cultures
* Reconsiderations of citizenship and identity
* Australia in the region
* Making and remaking borders
* Constructions and challenges to the national past
* Myths and memories
* Racial power and privilege
* Indigenous sovereignties
* Social Exclusion and Human Rights
* Materialism and consumerism
* Globalization and diaspora
* National, regional local perspectives of Australia
* Cultures of everyday life
* Bodies, space and place: outback, country towns, cities.
* Culture and technology

We are especially interested in including the work of emerging scholars, and work that is being undertaken in new fields of contemporary interest.

Abstract deadline is 10 August 2008.

Conference Convenor
Dr Keith Moore
Humanities Program, QUT – Carseldine Campus Beams Road, CARSELDINE Queensland. k.moore@qut.edu.au
Ph +617 3511 6561 (07 3511 6561)