12 December 2008
CFP - ASAL 2009 (8-11 July 2009; ANU, Canberra) - Deadline: FRI 27 Feb 2009
8-11 July 2009
University House, Australian National University, Canberra
12 July 2009
Public symposium: 'Writers, Readers and Critics', National Library of Australia, Canberra
CONFERENCE WEBSITE: http://asal2009.anu.edu.au/
Australian literature is not just a collection of texts: it is a diverse set of formal and informal cultures—from school curricula to bestseller lists, from university courses to writers' festivals—that all have their own ways of talking about texts and their own forms of cultural expertise. This conference seeks to explore the diversity of readers and modes of reading that make up Australian literary culture. How do ‘everyday' readers form judgements about what they read and what they like? What are the relationships between everyday readers and ‘specialist' readers in industries such as publishing and marketing, print and electronic media, and in institutions such as schools and universities, libraries and archives? How much influence do critics, reviewers and cultural commentators have on readers' tastes and habits—and vice versa? Who ultimately decides what books get published, what books win prizes, what books are taught in schools, and what books make up the Australian literary canon? Literary cultures are characterised by tensions between tradition and innovation, reading privately and reading professionally, reading for knowledge and reading for pleasure.
We invite proposals for 20-minute papers and for 90-minute panel discussions (3 or 4 speakers) that address any aspect of literary cultures, such as the following:
• Everyday readers and the history of the popular / literary cultural divide
• The role of reviewers and critics in influencing tastes and making careers
• The roles of publishers, marketers, booksellers and bestseller lists
• Literary festivals and writers as performers and promoters of their own work
• The role and influence of literary prizes
• Reading communities such as book clubs, blogs, community education
• Histories and analyses of Australian literary criticism
• School and university curricula and the Australian literary canon
• Revisions and re-evaluations of canonical and non-canonical Australian writers and texts
• Adaptations of Australian literary texts for film and other media
• The transnational boundaries of Australian literature
• Australian children's and young adult literature: publishing and readerships
• Libraries, archives and cultural heritage
• Creative writing programs
• Little magazines, grassroots publishing, zines
• Reading facebook and other social networking programs
• The new empiricism, distant reading, resourceful reading
• The ongoing impact of the 'culture wars'
Please send 200-word abstracts of papers or panel proposals, with a brief biographical note, to Russell.Smith@anu.edu.au by Friday 27 February 2009.
We welcome proposals from postgraduate students. Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) has generously provided ten postgraduate scholarships, covering costs of travel and accommodation, available to postgraduate students whose own institutions are unable to support their attendance. To enquire about postgraduate scholarships, please contact Julieanne.Lamond@anu.edu.au by 27 February 2009.
ASAL 2009 organising committee: Julieanne.Lamond @ anu.edu.au , Lucy.Neave @ anu.edu.au , Monique.Rooney @ anu.edu.au and Russell.Smith @ anu.edu.au (School of Humanities, Australian National University)
ASAL 2009 is generously supported by the Copyright Agency Limited’s Cultural Fund, Arts ACT, the Australian National University and ASAL.
8 December 2008
Among manyother gems the issue includes an interview with Ouyang Yu, who also has a short story and translations of poems from the Ming Dynasty in the issue; and an article on "Writing between Languages" by Lee Kofman.
READING - Michelle Lee - "See how the leaf people run" (16 Dec 2008; Melbourne)
A free reading of a work-in-progress
By Michele Lee
Dramaturgy by Chi Vu
Directed by Gorkem Acaroglu
With Luke Fraser, Fanny Hanusin, Kha Tran and Mark Tregonning
Charlie’s stuck in his room. He nearly drowned crossing the Mekong River as a kid. He’s got depression. He’s got chronic fatigue. He’s got PTSD. That’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Yeah he’s got a lot of things wrong with him. All he wants to do is sleep. But sometimes our people, the Hmong, have to run, have to walk, crawl through the caves, jungles, rivers and mountains of Laos before they get any better.
Michele Lee is a 2009 recipient for an Asialink Literature residency in Laos. She has developed See how the leaf people run with support from the City of Melbourne’s 2008 Young Artist program and the Victorian Multicultural Commission. She has also received funding from the Australia Council for the Arts to develop "In refuge," which also examines her cultural background. She runs a theatre collective called Theatre in Bars.
When: Tuesday 16 December 2008, 7pm
Where: fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne (Spring Street end)
Cost: Free
Limited seating so please RSVP to seehowtheleafpeople@gmail.com
CFP - "The Talk about Town: Urban Lives and Oral Sources in 20th Century Australia" (State Library of Vic and Melb Museum, Vic)
The Talk about Town: Urban Lives and Oral Sources in 20th Century Australia
27-28 August 2009, at the State Library of Victoria and Melbourne Museum
Sponsored by the State Library of Victoria, the Monash University Institute for Public History, Museum Victoria, the University of Melbourne’s School of Historical Studies and Macquarie University’s Department of Modern History.
"The Talk about Town: Urban Lives and Oral Sources in Twentieth Century Australia" invites researchers and professionals working on life in Australian cities since 1900 to come together and reflect on their projects. It hopes to encourage participants to think about the significance of the urban context, whether or not it is the primary focus of their research. In particular, researchers working with personal sources in fields such as oral history, life history and immigration, are encouraged to look at the way that urban settings have shaped the stories they have been told.
Postgraduate students and professionals working with history are particularly encouraged to participate.
"The Talk about Town" is delighted to welcome distinguished oral and urban historian Alessandro Portelli, Professor of American literature at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, as keynote speaker. Professor Portelli is the author of a number of influential studies in oral history and popular memory including The Order Has Already Been Carried Out: History, Memory and Meaning of a Nazi Massacre in Rome (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) and The Death of Luigi Trastulli: Form and Meaning in Oral History (State University of New York Press, 1991). From 2002 to 2008, he served as advisor to the mayor of Rome for the preservation and promotion of the city’s historical memory, and is currently co-manager of Rome's House of History and Memory.
"The Talk about Town" offers a rich and stimulating conference program, to be hosted by the State Library of Victoria and Museum Victoria, on 27-28 August 2009. Day one of the conference will feature a series of parallel sessions and a keynote address by Professor Portelli. Day two of the conference will feature further parallel sessions, a number of workshops led by experts in urban and oral history, and additional events including walking tours of inner Melbourne and a guided tour of ‘The Melbourne Story’ at Melbourne Museum.
Following the conference, participants are encouraged to submit articles based on their conference presentations for consideration for publication in a special issue of a refereed journal.
Persons wishing to present papers at the conference should send 200 word abstracts (for a 20 minute presentation), to Kerrie Alexander at kerrie.alexander @ arts.monash.edu.au on or before 31 December 2008.
For inquiries about the conference, or proposals for panels, please contact the organising committee via talkabouttown @ gmail.com.
>> Visit the "Talk about Town" conference website.
CALL FOR ENTRIES - Vietnamese International Film Festival (Southern California, USA)
Call for entries from filmmakers of Vietnamese descent.
The Vietnamese International Film Festival (ViFF), held in Southern California, USA, are looking for films from the filmmakers of Vietnamese descent from all over the world.
Please distribute ViFF’s call-for-entries below to the filmmakers you know.
Visit www.VietFilmFest.com for more information, or email Ysa Le ysadle @ yahoo.com
19 November 2008
NEW JOURNAL ISSUE - "Asia@Home: New Directions in Asian Australian Studies" (A special issue of the Journal of Australian Studies, 32.4)
The special issue is titled 'Asia@Home: New Directions in Asian Australian Studies' and features work by the following AASRN members:
- Adam Aitken
- Michelle Antoinette
- Scott Brook
- Mayu Kanamori
- Jen Tsen Kwok
- Francis Maravillas
- RoseAnne Misajon
- Robyn Morris
- Hsu-ming Teo
It also includes work by Regina Ganter and Lars Jensen. You can see a contents listing HERE. In addition, the cover for JAS 32.4 features an image provided by Owen Leong (who also generously allowed us to use his work on the AAI 2 conference posters).
Those of you whose universities/organisations subscribe to this journal, you should be able to download articles right now. Those of you who may want to get your hands on your own copy, THIS is the journal's homepage.
NEW JOURNAL ISSUE - First anniversary issue of Cha: An Asian Literary Journal is now available
Poet, novelist and historian Reid Mitchell generously acted as guest editor and read the submissions with us. The new issue features poetry by former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins and new fiction by Nirmala Pillai. Other writers/artists featured in the issue include Sam Byfield, Grace V. S. Chin, Mike Farman, Tiziano Fratus, Daniel Hudon, Anne Levesque, Vikas Malhotra, Aya Padron, Yves Rubin, Steven Schroeder, Daren Shiau, Gillian Sze, Tai Dong Huai, Eddie Tay, Royston Tester, Toh Hsien Min, Sean Wiebe, Alison Wong, Bo Wong and Jennifer Wong.
To read the issue, please visit our website at www.asiancha.com.
We are currently accepting submissions for the sixth issue of Cha, which is scheduled for publication in February 2009.
Deadline: 31 December 2008.
Award-winning Hong Kong poet Arthur Leung will lend his expertise to us in the role of poetry guest editor. If you are interested in having your works considered for publication in Cha, please read our submission guidelines for details.
Tammy Ho & Jeff Zroback/ The Editors
Cha: An Asian Literary Journal/ www.asiancha.com
Website/ Blog
17 November 2008
NEW BOOK - Culture Is... Australian Stories across Cultures: An Anthology
Edited By Anne-Marie Smith, The Multicultural Writers Association of Australia
PB 256 PP 210 x 135, ISBN 9781862548084
$24.95 (Short Stories / Poetry)
Wakefield Press
'I am confident this anthology will be warmly received nationally . . .' – Nicholas Jose
What shapes us as Australians? This anthology presents contemporary views from writers of all backgrounds – Indigenous, Migrant, Refugee or Settler. It will ring true with all Australians, travellers or would-be travellers.
11 November 2008
NEW ISSUE - Mascara Poetry - Issue #4
With poetry by
- Our featured poet, Peter Boyle
- New work by Tibetan poet/activist Tenzin Tsundue
- And by Shirley Lim, Sean Singer, Francesca Haig, Indran Amirthanayagam, Kylie Rose, Jessika Tong, Michael Sharkey, Jal Nicholl, Liam Ferney, Debbie Lim, Ashley Capes, Jane Kim, Ouyang Yu , Peter Davis and more
Interviews: Michelle Cahill in conversation with Peter Boyle
Our cover portrait is the Sri-Lankan anthropologist, Malathi De Alwis, photographed by Pradeep Jeganathan.
Submissions to Mascara Poetry are open at ALL times. Please follow our submission guidelines. We look forward to reading your poetry and essays.
Payment 2 or more poems: $75; essays, reviews: $50
Mascara is looking for volunteers who are passionate about poetry...check our guidelines!
If you are an emerging writer, JOIN US...for as little as $15, and help us to help you.
Mascara is an online journal seeking to promote poetry of excellence and originality. We are especially interested in the work of contemporary Australasian and Indigenous poets. Our criteria for selection are quality of image, language and innovation. The word ‘mascara’ entered the English language in 1890. It derives from Spanish, Arabic and French origins, its meaning evolving from the word mask, masquerade, to darken, to blacken. The Arabic word ‘maskhara’ means buffoon.
Mascara reviews are edited by Adam Aitken, poetry by Michell Cahill and Kim Cheng Boey.
10 November 2008
AWARDS/FELLOWSHIPS - Endeavour Awards (Open 1 Dec; Close 31 Jan 2009)
This second round is for:
- Endeavour Executive Awards
- Endeavour Research Fellowships (for outgoing Australians only)
- Endeavour Research Fellowships for Indigenous Australians
NEW EXHIBITION - Leading Lights (Ivan Dougherty Gallery, COFA, Sydney)

Ivan Dougherty Gallery, COFA, UNSW
6 Nov - 13 Dec 2008
6 November 2008
CFP - Cosmetic Cultures: Beauty, Globalisation, Politics, Practices (24-26 June 2009; U of Leeds, UK)
University of Leeds , 24 - 26 of June 2009
Papers and panel sessions are invited for an international, interdisciplinary conference on Cosmetic Cultures to be held in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the University of Leeds from the 24 to 26 of June 2009.
Papers on any element of ‘cosmetic cultures’ are welcomed but the conference seeks to move beyond well-rehearsed ‘Beauty Myth’ arguments.
Beauty has often been conceptualised as the concern only of women (or the only concern of women!) and as idealised in ‘whiteness’ or ‘Westerness’. Whilst many have found significant evidence to support these claims, work in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies has already flagged up the importance of men, masculinities and beauty, both in the ‘West’ and ‘East’ and has disrupted the idea that whiteness alone presents idealised beauty in all parts of the world, or even in this one. Whilst beauty ideals may be important in one sense, this conference also aims to explore beauty practices. The subject’s engagement in beauty practices may be ‘transformative’ in line with current ideals, and undertaken in the clinic, or it may be everyday and mundane, practices in the home or ‘salon’.
Themes will include:
* National beauty cultures and histories and the intersection between local and globalised ideals;
* Beauty practice ranging from ‘spectacular’ makeover cosmetic surgery to mundane beauty technologies such as diet and exercise, skin tanning/ lightening, hairstyling, hair removal and tattooing/piercing.
* Intersections of ‘race’, class, gender and beauty cultures and practices; men, masculinities and beauty;
* LGBI and Trans beauties; surgical tourism;
* TV makeover shows;
* Work in the ‘beauty industry’, including medical practices and cultures, beauty salons and cosmetics marketing and manufacture as well as (fashion and glamour) modelling.
By encouraging participants to explore beauty cultures, practices and politics in their broadest sense we hope to advance current debates and develop an international network of researchers.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
* Professor Carolyn Cooper – University of the West Indies
* Professor Kathy Davis – University of Utrecht
* Dr Debra Gimlin – University of Aberdeen
* Dr Meredith Jones – University of Technology, Sydney
* Professor Toby Miller – University of California, Riverside
* Professor Elspeth Probyn – University of Sydney
200 word abstracts and panel suggestions should be emailed to: Matthew Wilkinson at m.wilkinson@leeds.ac.uk no later than 1 March 2009.
Please mark all emails with ‘Cosmetic Cultures’ in the subject line.
CHAIR POSITION - Freilich Foundation Chair, ANU
Freilich Foundation Chair (A209-08AV)
The Herbert and Valmae Freilich Foundation is an endowment to The Australian National University established in 1999 to promote the study of, and research into, the causes, the histories and the effects of ethnic, cultural, religious and sexual bigotry and animosity, and the exploration of how such intolerance can be combated and co-existence promoted by educational and social programs.
The Foundation sits within the interdisciplinary and dynamic Research School of Humanities. The Foundation runs a program of public lectures, seminars and graduate workshops. It runs a summer school for teachers, is involved in teaching, and funds visiting fellowships, bursaries and scholarships.
Further information about the foundation can be found at http://www.anu.edu.au/hrc/freilich/
The Foundation wishes to appoint a senior academic to substantially develop the research component of the Foundation's work whilst being involved in the current operation and activities of the Foundation. Applications are invited from women and men with a recognised record of achievement in any disciplinary field which addresses the research interests of the Foundation. You will provide leadership for the Foundation, participate and build upon the existing program of activities, participate in graduate teaching and supervision, and develop relationships with relevant units within the ANU and external organisations.
The level of appointment will depend on qualifications and experience.
Further information on this position can be obtained HERE.
Renata Grossi, Freilich Foundation Fellow, T: 02 6125 5527, E: Renata.Grossi @ anu.edu.au
4 November 2008
NEW RESOURCES - Amerasia and AAPI Nexus Journals now online
Los Angeles - The UCLA Asian American Studies Center has launched an internet site for its two academic journals, Amerasia and AAPI Nexus. Starting November 2008, subscribers will be able to access Amerasia Journal and AAPI Nexus articles online.
Both journals are recognized core publications in Asian American Studies.
Since its inception in 1971, Amerasia has been the leading interdisciplinary journal in the field. "Amerasia Journal," states Ethnic Studies Professor Yen Le Espiritu (University of California, San Diego), "continues to be an indispensable resource for scholars, students, and the broader community interested in issues affecting Asian Americans."
"Amerasia articles contain information and perspectives difficult or impossible to locate elsewhere," adds Serials Review. "This journal is highly recommended for all academic collections and for large public libraries." The searchable, full-text database enables subscribing institutions and researchers access to over thirty-five years of Amerasia articles.
Amerasia's online database features over 900 articles on topics ranging from diaspora and empire, U.S.-Asia relations, and religion to legal/political/civil rights issues, sexuality and queer studies, and multiracial Asians. Library Journal has thus described Amerasia as "a scholarly journal which considers almost every aspect on the role of the Asian Americans" and "an absolute must for universities." In 2003, the Center launched AAPI Nexus Journal: Policy, Practice & Community, the most cutting-edge journal focusing on applied social science research for and on the diverse and growing Asian American and Pacific Islander community. AAPI Nexus draws from professional schools, applied social science scholars, and practitioners, with the explicit goal of reinvigorating Asian American Studies' traditional mission of serving communities and generating practical research."AAPI Nexus Journal is the nation's trusted voice for Asian American and Pacific Islander public policy debates, community-based research, and action-orientated advocacy," said Lisa Hasegawa, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development.
The AAPI Nexus database includes articles covering civil rights, health, and art and cultural institutions from an Asian American perspective. In addition to research and resource articles, AAPI Nexus also features practitioner essays, where professionals and community leaders draw from their experiences to offer discussions and strategies regarding policy issues facing the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.
The new online databases for Amerasia Journal and AAPI Nexus are valuable resources for libraries and research institutions. Access to the databases will be included as part of a new or renewed yearly subscription. The subscription prices are as follows:
Amerasia Journal - $445 for institutions; $99.99 for individuals
AAPI Nexus - $175 for institutions, $35 for individuals
For more information or to place subscription orders, please contact Ying Ming Tu, Distribution Manager, AASC Press, at (310) 825-2968 or aascpress @ aasc.ucla.edu.
3 November 2008
CALL for SUBMISSIONS - Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature
Asiatic, an online, biannual (June, December), refereed journal, invites scholars and writers to submit their work for its forthcoming issues. We invite papers on all aspects of Asian Englishes and Asian writings in English, including Asian diasporic literature and Asian literatures in translation. We are also interested in creative works by Asian writers and writers of Asian origin.
Papers submitted for publication should not exceed 7,000 words and should follow the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (www.mla.org). Creative pieces should be between 1-3 pages for poetry and 6,000 words for other genres. All submissions sent for publication are refereed blind by at least two readers. Asiatic is indexed in the MLA Annual Bibliography, AustLit and EBSCO, and listed in the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ).
Submissions to and enquiries about the journal should be sent to mquayum @ gmail.com or Asiatic @ gmail.com.
29 October 2008
RESOURCE - Australian Media History Database
It has been established by the ARC Cultural Research Network as part of its goal of supporting research in the areas of cultural and media studies, cultural history, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, and the creative industries. It is part of the work of the Media Histories Node, convened by Dr Bridget Griffen-Foley of Macquarie University.
The database grew out of a large ARC-funded history of television project conducted by Professor Liz Jacka and Associate Professor Paula Hamilton at the University of Technology, Sydney. It was inspired by www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/BBC-history.html which includes over a hundred researchers. The pilot Australian database was demonstrated at the first History of Australian Television Conference held at UTS in 2005. In early 2006 the database was extended to include other media and launched online.
The Australian Media History Database aspires to list all research into Australian media history by established academics, early career researchers, research higher degree students, and independent scholars. It is designed to be a central tool of Australian media history research.
The database aims to:
- encourage researchers to contact each other on matters of mutual interest;
- avoid duplication in research;
- assist postgraduates and recent graduates with research exposure and networking;
- assist with developing cross-institutional research partnerships and joint research projects;
- bring academic research to the attention of related cultural institutions;
- assist with easier development of ARC Linkage grant applications and the involvement of industry partners.
Categories of research include advertising, film, games, magazines, music, press, publishing, radio and television. Free to use, the database is searchable by keyword, researcher, project and institution.
Researchers are invited to submit the details of their projects: click here for details.
27 October 2008
EVENT - Making Links - 11-13 Nov 2008 (Melbourne)
The conference Where Social Action and Technology Converge
Community - Responsibility - Sustainability
WHERE? Melbourne University, ICT Building, 111 Barry St Carlton
The Making Links Conference is the leading forum for the not-for-profit and community sectors to showcase their work and to explore current and emerging new media and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). This year Making Links is focusing on how technology can enhance and support social inclusion.
>> Visit the Making Links 2008 website HERE.
Making Links is a conference that seeks to engage interested people, organisations and groups working at the intersection of social action and IT - including community workers, educators, trainers, not-for-profit organisations, school teachers, environmental campaigners and activists. The Conference seeks to:
- bring the community sector together to access resources, training and services, and to share ideas, skills and creative applications of technology.
- Explore the possibilities ICTs generate for communities whose voices have been marginalized and excluded from the mainstream.
- Showcase innovative, grass roots ICT initiatives in community cultural development, outreach, and e-learning.
- Build and develop networks amongst workers and activists interested in how ICT can be used to support social justice.
The conference, which started in 2004, is organised by a steering committee composed of representatives from a range of not-for-profit organisation.
SCHOLARSHIP - PhD Scholarship in Australian Literature (readvertised) - U of Wollongong, NSW (Deadline: 14 Nov 2008)
Award: $ 25,118 p. a. for three years.
A PhD scholarship with the Faculty of Arts, University of Wollongong, is offered for contribution to the ARC-funded project 'Globalising Australian Literature: Asian-Australian writing, Asian perspectives on Australian literature.' The student will join a research team consisting of Alison Broinowski, Wenche Ommundsen, Paul Sharrad, Ouyang Yu and another PhD student in the investigation of multiple facets of Australian literary interaction with Asia:
* A comprehensive mapping and analysis of Asian-Australian writing
* A study of the circulation and reception of Australian literature across the Asian region
We welcome applications from qualified students who can demonstrate an understanding of the general field of study and have a developed research proposal in a particular area with relevance to it, such as:
* South East Asian-Australian writers
* The reception and study of Australian literature in India (or other major Asian country)
* Theoretical perspectives on Asian-Australian literary production
Application should include a full cv, including transcripts of previous studies, the names of two academic referees, a research proposal and a statement about your understanding of, and interest in, this area of study.
For more information please contact Prof. Wenche Ommundsen on (02) 4221 5445
(wenche @ uow.edu.au).
Deadline for applications: Extended to 14th November 2008.
JOBS VACANT - National Institute of Education, Singapore - English Language and Literature Academic Group (Deadline: 1 Feb 2009)
English Language and Literature Academic Group (ELL)
The National Institute of Education invites qualified applicants to apply for academic positions in ELL.
The ELL Academic Group has academic and pedagogy commitments. Its Literature programme offers a B.A. (Education) and an M.Ed. (English Literature Education), as well as teacher certification courses. Research-oriented postgraduate work is also offered for the Master of Arts and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in the relevant fields and preferably with a proven track record in research and teaching at the university. The successful candidate will be teaching two of the following areas:
- 20th Century Fiction in English
- 20th Century Poetry in English
- Literary and Critical Theory
An applicant will be in a position of added advantage if he or she possesses a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or an equivalent qualification as well as some secondary school or sixth-form college literature teaching experience.
>> Visit the official job advertisement site HERE (includes all contact details and more job information).PRIZE - Rascals Prize (People Like Us) - Singapore (Deadline: Jan 2009)
The prize is valued at $S2,000 (about $AUD 2,000) for the best piece of research in any of Singapore's four official languages (English, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil).
>> Download the PDF flyer HERE.
People Like Us is a Singapore gay and lesbian group focussed on advocacy and public education. It is an informal group since the Registrar of Societies refused to grant registration in 1997, and in 2004 when we applied a second time.
As an informal group, it does not yet have any firm membership, but a feel for the numbers of interested persons can be seen from the fact that there are over 2,300 members in PLU’s email discussion list SiGNeL.
CFP - Anthology - Women Warriors: Fighting Breast Cancer
Women Warriors: Fighting Breast Cancer
AASRN member Robyn Morris is editing an anthology of stories regarding the trials of breast cancer including, but not limited to;
- responses to diagnosis,
- the experience of treatment,
- the trials of juggling work and/or family,
- facing/embracing the future.
Individual chapter submissions will be around 2000-5000 words although larger chapters will be considered. Poetry will be considered also.
Please contact Robyn via email if you have any further queries or wish to register your interest in this project.
All monies raised from this book will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) for future research.
Contact email: robynmorris @ bigpond.com
NEW BOOK - As others see us: The values debate in Australia (Australian Scholarly Press)
The values debate in Australia
edited by J.V. D'Cruz, Bernie Neville, Devika Goonewardene & Phillip Darby
- An Ashis Nandy Travelling Kit for 'DOWN UNDER'
- Australia's Polygot Ghosts
- Swimming Against the Mainstream
- The Sporting Nation
- 'I don't mind the headscarf but...'
- A New Cosmopolitanism
- Aussie Bums on the Beach
- Mates Together
- An Isolation Within
- The Dance of the Hidden Gods
- Performing Outside One's Comfort Zone
- The Stranger in our Midst
- Nationalism at the Crossroads
ISBN:978 1 74097 176 8 | RRP: $39.95
CFP - Race in the Modern World - Goldsmiths, U of London, UK (Deadline: 1 Dec 2008)
Race and the Modern World
An international conference on race discourses and contemporary identitiesConfirmed speakers include Les Back, Bryan Cheyette, Paul Gilroy, Kenan Malik and Ann Phoenix
Venues: Goldsmiths, University of London and the Stephen Lawrence Trust, London
Dates: April 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2009
This major international and multidisciplinary conference is especially concerned with the race discourses still fundamental to the ways in which modern society and culture thinks itself. We will be expecting papers on all aspects of race and modernity — how ‘races’ are imagined and represented, in biological, linguistic, gendered and spiritual terms; what anxieties and desires are expressed in or projected onto racialised figures; how individuals in modern societies and cultures relate themselves to the collective identities posited by race discourse. With panels on such areas as diasporas, multiculturalism, faiths and civil society, race and representation, urban design and youth cultures, we are aiming to engage not just with the academy, but also with the wider community and with particular reference to young people in local schools and colleges. Centered in this vibrant area of South East London, the event, a Goldsmiths and the Stephen Lawrence Trust collaboration, presents scholarly research and discussion, exhibitions, workshops and social and civic events. The conference venues will be the University campus at New Cross and the recently opened Stephen Lawrence Trust building, designed by David Adjaye.
A reception, led by Doreen Lawrence will open the event on April 1st. Two full days of lectures, panels and workshops will follow. We are hoping to attract a wide range of participants, both within and outside the academic community, including strong representation from the local communities.
Sign in and registration will take place in April 1st at the Stephen Lawrence Trust, or at Goldsmiths on April 2nd and 3rd. Conference dinner is scheduled for April 2nd.
Please join us in April 2009 for the Race and the Modern World conference in New Cross and Deptford, London.
>> Download the CFP HERE.
EVENT - Gaayip Walk (Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation) 9 Nov 2008
TIME/DATE: 12 noon Sunday 9th November
VENUE: Blackburn Lake, Central Rd, Blackburn.
The main ideas behind the Walk are:
- after the Apology there is still much to be done by many people at different levels - 'many steps by many people'
- people can do something locally by supporting the local Indigenous community through donating to the Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place (MMIGP)
- reconciliation is an idea and process, which needs the involvement of all cultural groups in Australia.
Contact me if you need more details. Hard copies of the leaflet are also available.
We hope to see you on the day.
Cheers, Howard (Tankey)
Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation
Email: howardtankey @ iprimus.com.au
>> Download the PDF flyer HERE.
VISITING PROFESSORSHIP - Australian Studies, University of Tokyo, 2009-2010 (Deadline: 1 Dec 2008)
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Centre for Pacific and American Studies (CPAS), The University of Tokyo
The Visiting Professorship in Australian Studies was created in 1999 by the Centre for Pacific and American Studies, The University of Tokyo, to promote a deeper understanding of Australia and its regional engagement. The Australia – Japan Foundation supports activities associated with the position.
Applications are invited from highly qualified Australians with a significant academic achievement, including those who have moved to academia from the senior levels of government or community. The Visiting Professor is required to teach three courses at introductory and advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels; to present conference papers; to conduct research and participate in other activities. Opportunities are available to contribute to Australian Studies programs elsewhere in Japan.
The appointment is usually for a twelve month period, and commences no later than 1 October 2009. The Visiting Professor is expected to spend most of his/her time in Tokyo engaged in research and, during semester, in teaching. All teaching is conducted in English. An attractive salary package is available.
Applications close on 1 December 2008.
The selection process will be managed by the International Australian Studies Association (InASA). A full position description and application procedures are available at:
For any further information contact:
Professor Kate Darian-Smith
Vice President InASA
email: k.darian-smith@unimelb.edu.au
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - Transcultural Adoptee Short Films and Panel Event (TASFP) - 29 May 2009 (Deadline: 22 Dec 2008)
to be held 29 MAY 2009
in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
Venues tba.
Call for short films by transnationally and/or trans-racially adopted people now open!
Deadline 22 December, 2008.
For more information see
http://www.darlo.tv/indigo/filmfest09.html or contact Indigo Willing.
WORKSHOP - REMINDER - Movement workshop for performance (by Anna Yen) - Metro Arts, Brisbane - 24-28 Nov 2008
Movement Workshop for Performance
Anna Yen
November 24 –28, 2008
Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm
Metro Arts, 109 Edward Street, Brisbane
Numbers Strictly Limited. Book Early.
This workshop is for performers, directors, movement and drama teachers & students. We will focus on playfulness, presence and complicity. It is inspired by the work of Monika Pagneux, a renowned European theatre teacher, whose theme is the physical, vocal and personal freedom of the performer. It includes combining the Feldenkrais Method’s “Awareness through Movement” work with ensemble exercises and games in innovative ways to assist the performer expand their creative possibilities, playfulness, pleasure, complicity and ensemble skills. We will also play with some physical exercises for creating text which Monika explored in Barcelona earlier this year.
Anna Yen is a performer, movement teacher and director who trained with Monika Pagneux in Europe and Australia, including being invited to Pagneux’s only Pedagogy Courses in recent years - Paris 1994, Barcelona 2007 and 2008. Inspired by Pagneux, Anna trained as a Feldenkrais Method® Practitioner, graduating in 2000. Anna is keen to share Pagneux’s work and in doing so, deepen her own investigation of how we as performers / creators can be more awake and present in every moment, ready to play. A highlight of Anna’s work is her acclaimed one-woman show ‘Chinese Take Away’ and its film adaptation, which has taken her to festivals in Asia, Europe and USA. Anna is in the new comic trio, ‘Los Lunch Dates’. Her collaborative physical/visual work was part of ‘Undiscovered Country’ at the OzAsia Festival. Anna performed with Rock’n’Roll Circus, Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre Co, La Boite, QTC and studied with Pagneux, Philippe Gaulier, Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, Shanghai Circus School and Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre Summer School. Anna has taught for QUT, Uni of Southern Qld, Uni of Qld, Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts, Vulcana Women’s Circus, QTC. Anna directed shows for UQ, Vulcana Women’s Circus, Backbone Youth Arts, QUT (TABOO), and was Assistant Director on AWGIE Award winning ‘Kese Solwata ‘.
Bookings and Enquiries:
Anna ph 07 3846 1651 mobile 0417 623 886
15 October 2008
JOB - Comparative Literature and Asian Studies: Modern/contemporary Chinese (Penn State U, USA)
Penn State is seeking candidates for a new Assistant or Associate Professor position in Comparative Literature and Chinese (tenure-track or tenured according to qualifications). Home department Comparative Literature; joint appointment with Asian Studies.
We are interested in candidates who will demonstrate abilities to expand our major in Chinese, participate in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Comparative Literature, and contribute to the new dual-degree Comparative Literature / Asian Studies PhD program. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory and advanced courses on literature and culture, as well as modern Chinese language at upper levels. Areas of specialization may include, but are not limited to: modern and/or contemporary Chinese-language literature; film and new media studies; East-West, intra-Asian, or global comparisons, including Sinophone literature and/or film; postcolonial studies, gender studies, or queer theory. Native or near-native ability in Chinese and appropriate teaching experience required. Relevant research achievements or evidence of relevant research promise required.
Starting date: August 2009 preferred
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Chinese, or related field required. Screening of applications will begin November 15, 2008, although all applications will be considered until the search is concluded. Send letter, CV, and names of three references; electronic submission to Cindy Bierly at
Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.
SEMINAR and WORKSHOP - Articulating Movement: Negotiating a Politics of Migratory Knowledge Production (U of Melbourne, 21 Nov 2008)
An interdisciplinary seminar and workshop featuring Dr Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna), Angela Mitropoulos (Queen Mary College, University of London), Dr Brett Neilson (University of Western Sydney).
November 21 2008
Multifunction Room, Graduate Centre
University of Melbourne
Despite apocalyptic warnings about oil prices, the end of globalisation and the curtailing of migration, both documented and undocumented global migratory movement continues to accelerate into the twenty-first century. With this movement, national and transnational border controls, surveillance technologies, racial profiling and war continue to mark differentiations between ‘cherished life’ and ‘bare life’, bodies to be protected and bodies to be extinguished, bodies that can move and that must be contained.
Following years of “No Borders” interventions and the revival of interest in migration, borders and rights in the academy, debates continue on how to produce knowledges and write about, migration. These debates raise questions that are vital to any research processes around human mobility. How can we theorise migration without reifying migratory movement as emblematic of a generalised “exodus” or “resistance”? What histories intersecting migration, labour, gender, sexuality and colonialism have been forgotten in the desire to enshrine rights and border talk as the new cultural capital of philosophy departments world-wide? Where is the faultline between deploying the so-called “authenticity” of singular experience and the vulgarity of an entirely structural analysis? How can we negotiate a space between theorising the movement of bodies as already determined by war, injustice, ecological disaster, and a naive conception of movement as an autonomous and individual choice, thus reinstalling the sovereign subject of liberalism? Who constitutes the “we” that performs these negotiations, and what are our investments?
To examine these questions, to share tactics and strategies, to find passageways of negotiation, and to consider our own role in the composition and distribution of knowledge, we invite thinkers and practitioners in Melbourne to participate in a moment of “militant research” into the knowledge production of migration. Following the Colectivo Situationes, we define militant research as a process of defining practical knowledges of subaltern counter-power, renouncing the institutional spaces of management of these knowledges, and beginning with what we do not know rather than what we assume.
We invite postgraduate students, researchers and interested members of the public to submit expressions of interest in participating in the workshop by November 5 2008.
To RSVP for the workshop and obtain a reading list, please submit up to 250 words outlining your research interests and the contribution you might make to the discussion. Submit expressions of interest and RSVPs to: a.aizura@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
11am-1pm. Seminar featuring Sandro Mezzadra, Angela Mitropoulos and Brett Neilson.
1-2.30pm: Light lunch.
2.30-4.30pm. A roundtable discussion for graduate students, independent scholars and researchers.
This event is free of charge.
Sandro Mezzadra is an Associate Professor in History of Political Thought at the Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna. He is currently “eminent research fellow” at the Centre for Cultural Research of the University of Western Sydney, Australia (2006-2008). His research work has focused on the classical modern European political philosophy (especially on Hobbes, Spinoza and Marx), on the history of political, social, and legal sciences in Germany between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth centuries (especially on the constitutional debates in the years of the Weimar Republic) and on several issues at stake in the development of contemporary political theory.
Angela Mitropoulos (Queen Mary, University of London) has written on the intersections of labour, migration and geopolitics, eg, "Precari-us?" (Mute, 2005), "The Materialisation of Race in Multiculture" (DarkMatter, 2008), "Borders 2.0: Future, Tense" (Mute, 2008).
Brett Neilson is Associate Professor of Cultural and Social Analysis at the University of Western Sydney, where he is also a member of the Centre for Cultural Research. He is interested in the intersections of cultural criticism and political practice. Apart from academic publications, his writings have appeared in venues such as Variant, Mute, Posse, DeriveApprodi, Vacarme, Subtropen, Conflitti globali, makeworlds, Overland, Carta and Framework. He is a contributor to the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto and author of Free Trade in the Bermuda Triangle …and Other Tales of Counterglobalization (University of Minnesota Press, 2004).
Convenors: Anja Kanngieser and Aren Z. Aizura. This event has been convened with the support of the School of Culture and Communications, the Melbourne School of Graduate Research Academic Activity Grants program and the Arts Faculty’s Postgradaute Conference Assistance Scheme.
14 October 2008
FORUM - Creative Scholarship: A Forum on Creative Writing in the University - State Library of NSW - 22 Oct
The Writing & Society Research Group at the University of Western Sydney is holding a forum, Creative Scholarship, in response to the popularity of creative writing programs in Australian universities. The forum will examine the legitimacy of creative writing postgraduate degrees (PhD and DCA) and their scholarly and public uses.
The forum will be held in the Metcalfe Auditorium at the State Library of NSW on Wednesday 22 October 2008 from 6-7:30pm.
The panellists are distinguished writers in their own fields as well as university teachers and supervisors of creative writing theses.
Bill Manhire is a four-time winner of the New Zealand Book Award for poetry. His Collected Poems are published by Victoria University Press in NZ and Carcanet in the UK. He is the director of the International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University in Wellington.
John Dale is the author of five books, including the bestselling Huckstepp and two crime novels, Dark Angel and The Dogs Are Barking. He is Director of the Centre for New Writing and Head of Creative Practices in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UTS.
Hazel Smith is a writer, performer and new media artist, and member of the UWS Writing & Society Research Group She is author of The Erotics of Geography and The Writing Experiment: strategies for innovative creative writing and co-author, with Roger Dean, of Improvisation, Hypermedia And The Arts Since 1945.
Marcelle Freiman is a poet and teacher of creative writing and post-colonial and diasporic literature at Macquarie University. In 2008 she was awarded the Macquarie University Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence.
Kim Cheng Boey is the author of four collections of poetry and a forthcoming book of essays, Between Stations. Born and raised in Singapore, he is a senior lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Newcastle.
Catherine Cole is professor of creative writing at RMIT University. She has published three novels - Dry Dock, Skin Deep and The Grave at Thu Le, and the non-fiction books, The Poet who Forgot about Becoming a Writer, on the poet A.D. Hope, and Private Dicks and Feisty Chicks: An Interrogation of Crime Fiction.
Enquiries: (02) 9772 6780 or writing@uws.edu.au
Please rsvp to writing@uws.edu.au
13 October 2008
FELLOWSHIPS - Visiting Fellowship Program - Research School of Humanities (ANU)
Visiting Fellowship Program
Research School of Humanities, College of Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University
The Research School of Humanities has been established by the Australian National University in 2007 by amalgamating four key Centres of the University – the renowned Humanities Research Centre, the Centre for Cross Cultural Research, the National Europe Centre and the Australian National Dictionary Centre. The RSH builds on research fostered by these Centres and seeks to promote innovative research in the Humanities. Its Visiting Fellowship program is an enhancement of the program offered by the HRC since the 1970s and provides funds to support scholars to work in the Research School.
Applications are particularly welcome from scholars with interests in one or more of the RSH’s research programs and especially from those whose current projects relate to the RSH 2010 Annual Theme of ‘Imaging Identity’.
Applications for fellowships to the Freilich Foundation and the National Europe Centre are also welcomed. The key research programs of the RSH include:
- Visual Culture
- History and Memory
- Biography and Life Writing
- Culture, Heritage and the Environment
- Public Cultures and Museums
- World Literature
- Postcolonial Studies
- Digital Humanities
READING - Tom Cho on Radio National "Short Story" - 2 Nov 2008
'Today on Dr Phil'
Read by Brett Cousins
Sunday 2 November, 3.35pm
Short Story program, ABC Radio National
(look up your local frequency at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/freq/)
This piece is from Tom's forthcoming collection of short stories called 'Look Who's Morphing', which is going to be published in May next year by Giramondo Publishing (http://www.giramondopublishing.com/).
1. Upcoming conferences
2. New publications - This issue carries thematic sections on Music as well as Memory and Belonging, Women, and Education, different parts of the world. Many thanks to Prof. Frederick Lau, Prof. Khuah-Pearce, Prof. Claudine Salmon, Prof. Nora Chiang, Prof. James Armstrong, Prof. Wan Guofang, Prof. Park Yoon Jung, Didi Kwartanada and others for sharing information about these new and recent publications.
If you have any new publications on any aspect of Chinese overseas studies in any part of the world and any language, forward the information to koh @ ohio . edu
MEETUP - Melbourne Asian Australian Meetup - October 2008
... Chatting, hatching plans and other non-emailing activities for Asian Australians and their friends...
The next Melbourne Asian Australian Meetup is planned for THURSDAY 23 OCTOBER. This meetup coincides with the evening screening of Maximum Choppage: Round 2 (MC2) at UniMelb's Asia Week (see HERE for full details). As part of the screening, the event will feature a panel of the film's producer Maria Tran and writer/director Timothy Ly (both from Sydney). Both Maria and Tim are keen to meet up with Melbourne folk while they're here!
The Asian Australian Meetups are a chance to meet and chat with Asian Australians and their collaborators, friends, partners and other associated folks (note: 'non-Asians' are more than welcome!). The meetups have a very casual vibe. So why not come along?
The details for both events are:
TIME: 6.30-8.30pm
VENUE: Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, University of Melbourne (Parkville)
VENUE: University Cafe (255 Lygon St, Carlton)
RSVP: By Monday 20 October - tseen@yahoo.com
To get announcements of future meet-ups e-mailed to you, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asianaustmeetups/
Please feel free to forward this on to others...
Hope to see you there!
REMINDER - Maximum Choppage: Round 2 - Screening/Panel - Thurs 23 Oct 2008
Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, Swanston Street, University of Melbourne
With the University of Melbourne's Asia Institute, AASRN is co-sponsoring the Melbourne launch of Rumble Pictures' Maximum Choppage: Round 2 and a panel featuring producer Maria Tran and writer/director Timothy Ly.
See this event's full listing for Asia Week:
NOTE that the screening/panel will be followed by a Melbourne AA Meetup at 9pm - full details for that HERE!
30 September 2008
CONFERENCE - "Radicalisation Crossing Borders: New Directions in Islamist and Jihadist Political, Intellectual and Theological Thought and Practice"
The conference will be held in the Legislative Assembly of Parliament House Victoria, and have a broad range of speakers from around Australia and overseas, including Denmark, Somalia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
For more information or to register, please go to the conference website http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/psi/news-and-events/gtrec/index.php
CFP - Bananas-ISSCO conference "Rising Dragon, Soaring Bananas" - 18-19 July 2009 (Auckland, NZ; Deadline: 30 Nov 2008)
Rising Dragon, Soaring Bananas
18-19 July 2009
Opening Reception – Fale Pasifika, University of Auckland, Friday 17 July 2009
The popular Banana Conference series has been running annually since 2005. It is the signature event of the New Zealand Chinese Association, celebrating the journeys of the local Chinese community, exploring identity issues which Chinese New Zealanders face in the changing socio-economic climate of recent times.
International speakers have been invited to give global viewpoints and to make comparative studies. For some details of past conferences please see http://www.goingbananas.org.nz/
The 2009 Conference will be held jointly with ISSCO, the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas.
Papers are called on the following themes:
- Chinese & Indigenous Interactions
- China Under the International Spotlight and the Chinese Overseas
- Accidental Oriental – Exploration of Identity
- Free Trade Agreement – Dancing with the Dragon (the role of Chinese Overseas)
- Creative Overseas Chinese – the New Cool
- What Place Chinese Language & Culture
- China Rising – The Chinese Century and the Chinese Overseas
- Building Bridges between Old & New Migrants
- Chinese International Organisations
Please submit an abstract (around 300 words) on one of the above themes, together with a brief biographical statement, and send these via email to Manying Ip, School of Asian Studies, University of Auckland by 10 November 2008. my.ip@auckland.ac.nz
You are strongly encouraged to work with colleagues and fellow researchers to form a panel to present different papers under the same theme, using multi-disciplinary approaches. In particular, we welcome papers with a strong theoretical framework, and papers and panels with comparative viewpoints.
You will be notified of the acceptance of your proposal by the end of November 2008.
FELLOWSHIP - Postdoctoral fellowship, Brown University, USA (Deadline: 10 Dec 2008)
Position: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Salary: $50,000 to less than $60,000
Institution: Brown University
Location: Rhode Island
Application deadline: 10 Dec 2008
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
We welcome applications from all scholars who do not hold a tenured position. This is a residential fellowship. Fellows participate weekly in the Pembroke Seminar, teach one undergraduate course, and pursue individual research. Brown University is an EEO/AA employer. The Center strongly encourages underrepresented minority scholars to apply. The term of appointment is September 1, 2009-May 31, 2010. The stipend is $50,000, plus a supplement for health and dental insurance, unless otherwise covered.
Application forms may be obtained at www.pembrokecenter.org. Questions should be directed to Donna_Goodnow@brown.edu.
Please send completed application packages to Box 1958, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 (regular mail);
or Pembroke Center, Pembroke Hall, 172 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02912 (express mail).
The deadline for receipt of applications is December 10, 2008. Selections will be announced in February.
Regular mail:
Pembroke Center
Box 1958
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Express mail:
Pembroke Center
Pembroke Hall
172 Meeting Street
Providence, RI 02912
22 September 2008
UPCOMING EVENTS - Ivy Alvarez - Sept-Oct 2008
Contact: booranga@csu.edu.au
Ivy will also be appearing at the Critical Animals symposium
(This Is Not Art) in Newcastle, Australia, participating in two events:
• 'The Wanderer', a collective performance of Christopher Brennan's most well-known sequence of poems, on Thursday, 2 October 2008, 4-5.30pm.
• 'Landscaping Aesthetics: A collective conversation' on Saturday, 4 October 2008, 7-8.30 pm. Wales Arts International sponsored Ivy's travel to TINA.
READINGS - Wagga Wagga, Melbourne, Hobart:
Saturday, September 27
Ivy Alvarez
Wagga City Library
cnr Baylis & Morrow Street,
Wagga Wagga NSW Australia
3pm FREE
Contact: wcl @ wagga.nsw.gov.au
Wednesday, October 8
Ivy Alvarez
The Espy (The Esplanade Hotel),
11 The Esplanade, St Kilda,
Melbourne VIC Australia
7pm FREE
Contact: dale @ roarhouse.org
Tuesday, October 21
Ivy Alvarez and Lyn Reeves
The Lark Distillery,
14 Davey Street,
Hobart TAS Australia
6pm FREE
Contact: admin @ tasmanianwriters.org
UPCOMING CONFERENCES - International Chinese Studies conferences - Date claiming
2. The ISSCO 2009 conference will be convened in cooperation with the University of Auckland and the New Zealand Chinese Association. The title of the conference is "Rising Dragon, Soaring Bananas" (17-19 July, 2009). The Call for Papers is being finalised and will be circulated soon.
3. The ISSCO 2010 conference will be held in Singapore (7-9 May, 2010).
19 September 2008
SHOW - LOCA (The Ladies of Colour Agency) Cabaret! - Melbourne Fringe Festival
Spoken word! Burlesque! Dance! Drag! Rap! Comedy! Theatre! Kick-arse politics!
LOCA is a posse of 5-foot Asian women who explore the themes of racism and identity in their explosive, enlightening and highly entertaining cabaret performances in which they subvert stereotypes, rage against racism, mess with your minds and mess with your pants. With only 5 shows, bookings are essential.
Get tickets from the Melbourne Fringe Festival website: http://www.melbournefringe.com.au/season/2008/show/156/
WHEN: 7pm
Sept: Fri 26, Sat 27
Oct: Fri 3, Sat 4, Fri 10
COST: Preview: $15. Concession: $16. Full fare: $18.
Me love you long time!
CREATIVE ARTS FELLOWSHIP - 2009 H.C. Coombs Creative Arts Fellowship - ANU, Canberra (Deadline: 31 Oct)
ANU Schools and Centres from relevant areas are invited to nominate a Visual Artist for the 2009 H.C. Coombs Creative Arts Fellowship.
In 2009 a Creative Arts Fellowship will be offered in the area of Visual Arts (including visual arts, new media film & video)
For each year the Fellowship will rotate in the following manner:
- 2009 Visual Arts (including visual arts, new media film & video)
- 2010 Performance (including theatre, music, dance)
- 2011 Writing (including literature, prose, poetry, script writing)
- engage in a period of uninterrupted creative work in residence at the Australian National University, to conduct research and develop new ideas.
- contribute to the fostering of the creative arts within the University.
- interact with the University academic community, staff, students and visitors.
The nominee should be an Australian citizen or have formal residency status and have a strong arts connection to demonstrate that the benefits of the Fellowship will contribute to the development of Australia’s contemporary culture. The Fellowship amount of $33,000 includes percentages for stipend, accommodation, travel and material costs.
The Fellow is normally expected to be in residence at the University for a maximum of five months, at least half of which should be during the teaching periods.
The H. C. Coombs Creative Arts Fellowship is administered by the Research School of Humanities (RSH) and an Advisory Committee. This Committee is chaired by the Director of RSH with representatives from the University Humanities and Creative Arts disciplines. Two independent arts specialists are also invited each year, with specific expertise to the discipline being considered.
Nominations must be supported by an academic unit of the University and the proposal must include:
- the curriculum vitae of the nominee.
- the contact person who agrees to undertake the organisational responsibilities in hosting the Fellowship with the RSH.
- a description of the facilities available and the academic colleagues who may be involved with the Fellow.
- outline of the proposed creative arts program and its duration.
- an outline of the extent of interaction with the University community and any other connections expected to be made whilst in residence.
- outline of the budget proposed.
- an indication of the likely outcome of the residency.
Written nominations should be submitted by that academic unit of the University on behalf of the nominated person.
Fellowship proposals will be assessed in terms of:
- the quality of the proposal.
- its likely contribution to the life of the University
- the capacity of the proposed Fellow to execute their proposal.
- the artistic standing of the proposed Fellow.
Other considerations may include:
- the demonstrated and active support and infrastructure available from the University academic area hosting the Fellow.
- the potential for visibility and engagement of the proposed creative work program with the University community.
- the potential for contact and collaboration with other parts of the University and the community.
- the feasibility of the program.
Closing date for submissions: 31 October 2008.
Outcome notified mid November 2008. For further details visit http://rsh.anu.edu.au/fellowships/coombs/index.php or email Suzanne.Knight@anu.edu.au
18 September 2008
NEW FILM - Maximum Choppage II
MEDIA RELEASE September 2008
A suburban Kung Fu film direct from the mean streets of Fairfield!
Maximum Choppage: Round 2 is
Made by an artist collective called Rumble Pictures based in Cabramatta in
Not since the cult 1975 film The Man From Hong Kong has
Offering a reinvention of the Kung Fu genre but taking direct inspiration from the classic 70 and 80s narratives of Jackie Chan, Rumble Pictures are proud to present Australia’s first “no-budget, but epic ambition” action Kung Fu film.
Maximum Choppage: Round 2 is a 70 minute urban action adventure exploring the great story telling corner stones of love and pride. Two arch rivals fight with swords over a girl in down town
The producers, Rumble Pictures, have ensured that the fundamental essence of Kung-Fu action is not lost nor compromised in their ploy to pay such homage. What results is a preservation of the slapstick fun and comedic notions of the earlier work of Jackie Chan highlighted with the animated cues of Steven Chow’s Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle.
Writer and Director Craig Anderson from the ABC’s Double the Fist noted the film’s presence as an innovative montage of action and comedy. “Here’s a truly funny film that acknowledges its roots. An old school Kung Fu film in its purity!” he says.
Maximum Choppage: Round 2 is an independent film four years in the making. It makes no apologies for its ‘rough around-the-edges’ approach to cinematography that pushes the boundaries of guerilla-style filmmaking – action sequences at its most organic. In the project’s initial stages when resources were limited, camera dollies were replaced by skate boards and home mattresses dragged into the street to use as crash pads as people dove off council bins!
The cast and crew of the film comprise mainly of young Asian Australians from diverse backgrounds of
“Every week a group of us would meet up on a Friday night to watch old school kung fu films and develop ideas to somehow bring back the elements of what is now missing in contemporary Kung Fu films,” Director Timothy Ly says.
One of the main focuses of the film is to portray the 2nd generation migrant experience in
The film will be launching over 4 nights at the Fairfield School of Arts,
WHEN: 7pm, 25-28 September, 2008
MEDIA ENQUIRIES, PHOTOS AND INTERVIEWS: Contact Sarah Goodes on 0411 878 250 or email sarahgoodes@bigpond.com
MC2 TRAILER: http://www.mc2movie.com/Official website: http://www.rumblepictures.com.au/
Thursday 23 October 2008, 6.30-8.30pm
Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, Swanston Street, University of Melbourne
With the Asia Institute, AASRN is co-sponsoring the Melbourne launch of Rumble Pictures' Maximum Choppage: Round 2 and a panel featuring producer Maria Tran and writer/director Timothy Ly.
For the full listing of Asia Week events, visit http://www.asiainstitute.unimelb.edu.au/
EVENT - Asia Week 2008 at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne (20-23 Oct 2008)
Through four days of concerts, workshops, seminars, and lectures, Asia Week 2008 showcases the diversity of intellectual, artistic, and cultural activities of the Asia Institute and its partnering institutions, focusing primarily on the languages and cultures of China, Japan, Indonesia, and the Islamic world.
Artists, scholars, and dignitaries presenting, appearing, or performing during Asia Week include: Melbourne Lord Mayor John So; Mr. Susumu Hasegawa, Consul General of Japan; Stanley Adi Prasetyo, commissioner of the National Commission on Human Rights; Najwa Shihab, journalist/tv presenter; Wakako Asano, choreographer and dancer in the Australian Ballet; Mayu Kanamori, artist; Maria Tran, film producer, and Ben Hills, Walkley Award-winning freelance journalist and author.
For complete schedule and event details as they become available, visit: www.asiainstitute.unimelb.edu.au
Thursday 23 October 2008, 6.30-8.30pm
Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, Swanston Street, University of Melbourne
With the Asia Institute, AASRN is co-sponsoring the Melbourne launch of Rumble Pictures' Maximum Choppage: Round 2 and a panel featuring producer Maria Tran and writer/director Timothy Ly.
For the full listing of Asia Week events, visit www.asiainstitute.unimelb.edu.au
NEW POSITION - Chair in Australian Literature, University of Western Australia (Deadline: 3 Oct 2008)
Chair in Australian Literature
The University of Western Australia invites applications for the tenurable position of Professor of Australian Literature, newly endowed by the Commonwealth Government and UWA. This Chair in Australian Literature has been established with the goal of benefiting and promoting Australian Literature nationally and internationally. The appointee will therefore be an academic leader in the broadest sense: a productive and original researcher, with a commitment to high-quality teaching, a passion for Australian Literature and the ability to communicate its value and vitality to the public. The Chair will join the Westerly Centre within the Discipline of English and Cultural Studies, which has an outstanding record of publication and study in Australian Literature.
For further information regarding the position, applicants are encouraged to direct enquiries to the Chair of English and Cultural Studies, Dr Kieran Dolin on +61 8 6488 2072 or kdolin@cyllene.uwa.edu.au, or Professor Dennis Haskell on +61 8 6488 2071 or dhaskell@cyllene.uwa.edu.au.An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated including generous superannuation, leave provisions and fares to Perth (if applicable) for the appointee and dependants along with a relocation allowance.
Closing date: Friday, 3 October 2008The Information for Candidates brochure which includes details to assist with your application may be found at www.his.admin.uwa.edu.au/Advertising/2486CandidateInformation.pdf or via a link at jobs.uwa.edu.au/ or by contacting Ms Toni Pilgrim, email toni.pilgrim@uwa.edu.au. Written applications should be sent to Ms Toni Pilgrim, Human Resources, M350, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009. To lodge an application electronically please refer to the Information for Candidates brochure for details.
>> Visit this link - PDF - to see more information about the Chair of Australian Literature position at UWA.