20 March 2008
NEW SHOW - Silence (by Hoa Pham) - La Mama (21 May - 8 June 2008)
18 March 2008
NEW BOOK - China Fictions / English Language: Literary Essays in Diaspora, Memory, Story (Ed. A. Robert Lee)
Edited by A. Robert Lee
ISBN: 978-90-420-2351-2 Paperback
Online info: http://www.rodopi.nl/functions/search.asp?BookId=Textxet+54
The world is anything but unfamiliar with diaspora: Jewish, African, Armenian, Roma-Gipsy, Filipino/a, Tamil, Irish or Italian, even Japanese. But few have carried so global a resonance as that of
This collection open with a reprise of woman-authored Chinese American fiction using Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan as departure points. In turn follow readings of the oeuvres of Tan and Frank Chin. A comparative essay takes up novels by Canadian, American and Australian authors from the perspective of migrancy as fracture. Chinese Canada comes into view in accounts of SKY Lee, Wayson Choy, Evelyn Lau and Larissa Lai.
BOOK - Family Journeys (National Archives of Australia)
Stories in the National Archives of Australia
Embark on a family history journey…
The histories of nine Australian families are traced through records in the National Archives collection. We find out that gardening guru Jamie Durie has roots in Sri Lanka and England, and that Noni Hazlehurst comes from a talented family of theatre and radio performers who migrated to Australia as ‘ten-pound poms’. Scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki arrived in Australia in 1950 as a young child with parents who survived the Nazi concentration camps.
Annette Shun Wah tells how she was inspired by an old photo to track her family history to Hong Kong and China. A war bride’s story, the journeys of an Italian migrant family, an Indigenous-Filipino family and others are told in the book. There’s also advice on how to start your own family history journey.
116pp, 2008, ISBN 978 1 920807 60 3
Price: AUD$19.95
($18.14 Ex GST)
>> ORDER Family Journeys from the National Archives of Australia shop.
13 March 2008
CFP - Re-Orienting Whiteness Conference 2008 (Melbourne 3-5 Dec 2008) Closing date: 29 August 2008
Melbourne, 3-5 Dec 2008
In association with the Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association.
Supported by the School of Historical Studies, Monash University and the School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne.
Following the success of the Historicising Whiteness conference of 2006, Re-Orienting Whiteness continues the critical engagement with whiteness studies. In conjunction with the Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association, Re-Orienting Whiteness 2008 invites scholars to explore the potential, or otherwise, of 'whiteness' to analyse the operations of ‘race’, past and present.
Our central aim is to bring whiteness studies into a closer conversation with other approaches to 'race', particularly those which have emerged from studies of colonialism and postcolonial theory. There has been remarkably little cross fertilisation between these areas of scholarship, despite the many obvious synergies between them. We seek to foreground this tension as a fundamental challenge for the field. We envision the conference traversing a variety of countries, periods, methodologies and theoretical concepts, bringing together scholars of diverse backgrounds and interests. Broadening out from the (settler colonial) context of the United States, we wish to explore how whiteness operated in colonial and non-colonial contexts across the globe.
Possible themes include:- Indigenous perspectives on whiteness
- The politics of apology/assimilation/sovereignty/restitution/power
- Whiteness in the colonial/settler colonial encounter
- Whiteness in non-colonial contexts
- The gendered privileges of whiteness
- The chronology of whiteness: visibility/invisibility
- Cultures, representations, borderlands, bodies, transformations
- How important were global imperial processes to the operation of white power?
- Does whiteness even matter?
Please send 200 word abstracts, along with a brief half-page CV to reorientingwhiteness@gmail.com
Proposals for panels of up to three speakers are most welcome.
Closing date is Friday 29 August 2008
Keynote Speakers
Ann Laura Stoler, New School for Social Research
Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Queensland University of Technology
Lynette Russell, Monash University
Patrick Wolfe, La Trobe University
Matt Wray, Harvard University
Leigh Boucher (Monash University), Jane Carey (University of Melbourne) and Kat Ellinghaus (Monash University).
FELLOWSHIPS - Harold White Fellowships - National Library of Australia (Deadline: 30 April 2008)
Applications for 2009 Harold White Fellowships at the National Library of Australia are now open, and close on 30 April 2008.
Each year several Harold White Fellowships are awarded to enable established scholars and writers to undertake research at the National Library for periods of between three and six months. The Fellowships provide a return economy fare to Canberra, a living allowance, a fully equipped office and special access to Library collections and services. Honorary Fellowships are also awarded to scholars and writers who do not require financial assistance but would benefit from other privileges associated with the Fellowship.
Research projects supported by Harold White Fellowships can be in any discipline or area in which the Library has strong collections. Past Harold White Fellows have undertaken research in fields including Asian studies, history of science, biography, media history, Australian history, musicology, religious history, anthropology, children’s literature, art history, politics, Indigenous history, Australian literature, Pacific studies, eighteenth century studies, geography, international relations and folklore. Fellowships have been awarded to researchers working across Australia, in the USA, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Germany and South Africa.
More information is available at www.nla.gov.au/grants/haroldwhite
The online application form is available from this page: http://www.nla.gov.au/grants/haroldwhite/information.html
12 March 2008
PUBLIC LECTURE - Merlinda Bobis - "I know a story you don't know" (28 April 2008)
School of Culture and Communication Public Lecture
Dr Merlinda Bobis
‘I Know A Story You Don’t Know: The Small Story/The Big Politics’
Monday 28 April
5.30-6.30 pm
Rand Theatre, Medical Building, University of Melbourne
Award-winning writer Merlinda Bobis takes the 'big stories' and the act of telling stories to task. How do we make known the hidden story? How do we write the small, personal story into the large social and political issues? How do we ensure that the human tale is not swept away by the master narratives? She will address these questions crucial to the writing of The
Solemn Lantern Maker (Pier 9, Murdoch Books, 2008), her new novel about child prostitution and the murder of a political journalist in the context of the global war on terror in the Philippines.
Merlinda Bobis has received various awards, prizes and fellowships for her fiction, poetry and plays, among them the Prix Italia for Rita's Lullaby, the Steele Rudd Award for the Best Published Collection of Australian Short Stories, the Judges' Choice Award (Bumbershoot Bookfair, Seattle Arts Festival) and the Philippine National Book Award for White Turtle or
The Kissing (US ed), and more recently the Philippine Balagtas Award, a lifetime award for her fiction and poetry in English, Pilipino and Bicol. Her poetry book Summer Was A Fast Train Without Terminals was shortlisted for The Age Poetry Book Award. Her plays have been performed in Australia, Philippines, France, China, Thailand and the Slovak Republic. The Solemn Lantern Maker is her second novel. Her first, Banana Heart Summer, was shortlisted for the Australian Literary Society Gold Medal. These novels will be published by Bantam US in 2008 and 2009. As a performer for stage and radio, Merlinda works with artists from various
genres. She is a senior lecturer in creative writing at the University of Wollongong.
This lecture is free of charge and open to all staff, students and members of the public.
>> Copies of her novel will be available for purchase after the talk.
CFP - Multiculturalisms and the Arts (U of Turku, Finland; 29-30 Aug 2008) Deadline: 15 May 2008
School of Art Studies, University of Turku, Finland
August 29-30, 2008
The concept of multiculturalism has acquired many different (even opposite) meanings in diverse contexts since its inception in the wake of the social movements of the 1960s. Multifarious concepts of multiculturalism are reflected, reproduced or questioned in literature, music, the visual arts, and the media. The purpose of this conference is to analyze different forms of multiculturalisms and their representations. Workshop presentations will also address multiculturalisms in the Nordic countries.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Anne-Marie Fortier, Lancaster University
Jocelyne Guilbault, University of California, Berkeley
David Leiwei Li, University of Oregon
Maria Roth-Lauret, Sussex University
Possible paper topics for twenty-minute presentations include (but are not limited to) the following:
- representations of multiculturalisms
- multiculturalisms in the arts
- multiculturalisms and the media
- gender, sexuality and multiculturalisms
- aesthetics, genre and multiculturalisms
- multiculturalisms in the Nordic countries
Abstracts in English of no more than 250 words should be received by the Conference Secretary, Outi Hakola (outi.hakola@utu.fi) by May 15, 2008. Acceptance messages will be sent by the end of May 2008.
The conference is being organized by the School of Art Studies (Art History, Comparative Literature, Finnish Literature, Media Studies, Musicology and Women’s Studies), the International Institute for Popular Culture at the University of Turku, and the Department of Musicology, Åbo Akademi University.
10 March 2008
WORKSHOP - Memory - Institute for Social Research (Swinburne U of Technology, Vic) Closing date: 18 April 2008
Melbourne, 30-31 May 2008
On 30 and 31 May 2008, the Institute for Social Research (ISR), Swinburne University of Technology, will again host an Emerging Scholars Workshop.
The workshop is for students who are currently pursuing fourth year or postgraduate studies in Australia or New Zealand, or who have recently completed fourth year honours. It is by invitation only.
All students who are currently writing a postgraduate or fourth year thesis, or who have recently completed a fourth year thesis, about memory or memories are encouraged to apply for a place.
We are particularly interested in students working on issues to do with social/collective or public memory. Participants from outside Melbourne will have their accommodation expenses covered by the ISR, which will also make a generous contribution towards the travel costs of all non-Victorian participants.
The workshop will be run by Professor Klaus Neumann, Dr Chris Healy and Dr Maria Tumarkin in conjunction with other ISR staff and research associates. Professor Neumann, Dr Healy and Dr Tumarkin are currently working on an international collaborative research project, which explores questions of social memory and historical justice across a range of societies and historical contexts. Participants will be expected to take an active part in discussions and to engage with each other’s research as well as with key debates in their field. The workshop’s objectives are different to those of a conventional academic conference. It is envisaged, first and foremost, as an opportunity for a community of emerging scholars to come together in order to support, challenge and inspire each other. The feedback from last year’s participants can be viewed on http://www.sisr.net/cag/projects/scholars.htm
Students, who are interested in taking part in this workshop, need to apply by 18 April 2008.
Applications need to include the following:
- curriculum vitae
- description of current or recently completed research project (no more than one page)
- name and contact details of one academic referee
- academic transcript (only for current fourth year honours students, and students who recently completed fourth year and are not enrolled in a postgraduate course)
Completed applications need to be sent (in hard copy, by fax or by email) to:
Institute for Social Research (attn. Ms Joanne Colosimo)
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218
Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia
fax (+61 3) 9819 5349
email: jcolosimo@swin.edu.au
Enquiries: Dr Maria Tumarkin mtumarkin@swin.edu.au
7 March 2008
NEW PUBLICATION - Cosmopatriots: On Distant Belongings and Close Encounters (Rodopi 2008)
Edited by Jeroen de Kloet and Edwin Jurriëns
This volume analyzes mediated articulations of “cosmopatriotism” in East and South-East Asian popular cultures and arts. Cosmopatriots navigate between a loyalty to the home country and a sense of longing for and belonging to the world. Rather than searching for the truly globalized cosmopolitans, the authors of this collection look for the postcolonial, rooted cosmopolitans who insist on thinking and feeling simultaneously beyond and within the nation. The cultural sites they discuss include Hong Kong, Indonesia, China, Singapore, the United States, South Korea and Australia. They show how media from both sides of the arbitrary divide between high art and popular culture - including film, literature, the fine arts, radio, music, television and mobile phones - function as vehicles for the creation and expression of, or reflection upon, intersections between patriotism and cosmopolitanism.
Contributing Authors (AASRN members in green):
Michelle Marie Antoinette, Emma Baulch, Tom Boellstorff, Rey Chow, Yiu Fai Chow, Jon Dunbar, Stephen Epstein, Edwin Jurriëns, Jeroen de Kloet, Helen Hok Sze Leung, Song Hwee Lim, Francis Maravillas, Qin Liwen, Kyongwon Yoon.
Publisher: Rodopi (New York and Amsterdam).
>> Visit the publisher's Cosmopatriots page
Michelle Antoinette's article is titled "Deterritorializing Aesthetics: International Art and its New Cosmopolitanisms, from an Indonesian Perspective."
In this paper, I examine the contemporary art practice of two “Indonesian” artists who form part of a new class of internationally (hyper)mobile “cosmopolitan” artists: Heri Dono and Mella Jaarsma. Representing the Indonesian contemporary art scene, both artists have travelled frequently on the international art circuit with their work featuring in a number of international exhibitions since the 1990s. I argue that the increased global mobility and interactions experienced by these Indonesian artists situates them and their art within a distinctive cosmopolitan milieu of contemporary international art practice which, at the same time, offers alternative definitions of Indonesian space, place and subjectivity. Significantly, the fact that one artist is a “native” to Indonesia and the other a “foreigner” – whose heritage relates to the former Dutch colonial power – is highlighted, in order to demonstrate how the artists’ respective cosmopolitan practices are rooted in and distinguished by different cultural histories and relationships, to Indonesia and to the world.
Francis Maravillas' article is titled "Haunted Cosmopolitanisms: Spectres of Chinese art in the Diaspora."ABSTRACT:
In this chapter, I examine the work and lives of a number of artists – Guan Wei, Ah Xian, Fan Dongwang, Shen Jaiwei and Guo Jian – who migrated from China to Australia in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I explore how the work and identity of these artists may be situated in relation to a renewed cosmopolitan framework of understanding, one attuned to their transnational forms of imagining and living, as well as their particular local contexts of art-making, exchange and appraisal. In particular, I show how these artists alter and reconfigure the ‘Chineseness’ of their originary ‘homeland’ culture by creatively restaging it in the context of their new adopted ‘home’. In this way, ‘Chineseness’ appears as a spectral entity that both haunts, and is haunted by, the work and identity of these diasporic Chinese artists. Their ‘cosmopolitan’ experience of migration and diaspora can thus be viewed as one that is haunted by ghosts and which, in turn, produces hauntings that engages in a politics and poetics of memory and translation.
GRANTS - Community development, NSW Govt (Closing date: 28 March 2008)
Expression of Interest (EOI)
The Community Relations Commission invites expressions of interest for funding from its 2008-2009 Community Development Grants Program.
Applicants must be a non-profit sharing legal entity with the proposed project conducted in New South Wales. Projects must address one or more of the following priority areas for funding:
- emerging or small ethnic communities
- communities that are geographically or socially isolated
- promotion of community harmony and mutual understanding between and within communities of different cultural backgrounds
- development of community networks and structures, and
- projects addressing critical issues relating to cultural diversity at a local level.
Projects may include the promotion of cultural expression, the enhancement of community development or capital purchases. The Commission may fund minor capital works of eligible organisations where the organisation can demonstrate it has the funds to complete the project within twelve months of receipt of a grant.
Expressions of interest must be limited to one page in length using the attached EOI form (MS Word).
Expressions of interest must be received at any of the CRC offices below or by email atmailto:eoi.grants@crc.nsw.gov.au by 5.00 pm on Friday, 28 March 2008. Late EOIs will not be accepted.
>> For more information about the grants program, visit the NSW Govt Communities site.
6 March 2008
NEW BOOK - Merlinda Bobis - The Solemn Lantern Maker (updated with launch schedule)

The Solemn Lantern Maker
Ten-year-old Noland, a mute lantern maker, imagines that he sees an angel falling from the sky to the slums where he lives. But it’s only an American tourist who is caught in a drive-by shooting of a political journalist. At a busy intersection in Manila, the magical and seedy collide: shimmering lanterns and poverty, Christmas carols and child prostitution, dreams of friendship and the global ‘war on terror’. A hut in the slums becomes a cathedral and silence is an exchange of breaths.
Pier 9's page for The Solemn Lantern Maker is HERE.
The Solemn Lantern Maker's launch schedule:
4 March, 6 for 6:30 pm start (Gleebooks, Sydney launch by Wendy Bacon)
7 March, 6 for 6:30 pm start (South Coast Writers' Centre, Wollongong launch by Wendy Bacon)
29 March (Participating in the Contemporary Australian Fiction Festival, Sydney, NSW Writers' Centre)
3 April, 6 pm (Conversation with ABC Radio Producer Jane Ulman at the National Library of Australia, Canberra)
7 April, 11:00-12:30 am (Lecture on Narrative and Politics, Politics Seminar, University of Adelaide)
7 April, 6 pm, Launch at Imprints by Nicholas Jose
28 April, 5:30 (Lecture on Narrative and Politics, University of Melbourne)
29 April, 6 pm (Readings launch by Susan Hawthorne)
22-25 May (Participating in the Sydney Writers' Festival)
CALL FOR SUBS - Peril - "Drama" (Closing date: 30 April 2008)
PERIL, an online e -journal is interested in submissions addressing the theme of "DRAMA".Drama queen, change of scene, emo teen? Tell us about your drama!
We invite submissions of up to 1000 words, prose, poetry, essay, sound piece, video, art, anything that can be presented on the web.
Check out PERIL at http://www.asianaustralian.org/
Submissions and queries to be directed to peril@asianaustralian.org
This issue's deadline is 30 APRIL 2008, and it will be launched on 1 July 2008 at the cross-over event AASRN is holding in conjunction with the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) conference at the University of Wollongong.
FELLOWSHIPS - State Library of Victoria (Closing date: 28 March 2008)
* Creative Fellowships: a total of $100,000 is available this year for distributed via fellowships for periods of three, six and twelve months. Stipends range from $12,500 for three months to $50,000 for 12 months.
Research projects can be in any area of the Library's collections and are open to Australian residents who may be scholars, creative writers, artists, composers, or developers of new media, across a broad range of disciplines.
* La Trobe Society Fellowship: for an historian, offered for six months, stipend $25,000
* Dr Joseph Brown AO Fellowship: for study in the field of art history, offered for up to six months, stipend up to $20,000
* Georges Mora Foundation Fellowship: for a visual artist, offered for six months, stipend up to $20,000.
Applications close: 28 March 2008 at the granting body. Results announced July.
More information: http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/research
GRANTS - National Archives of Australia (range of closing dates - check website)
* Ian Maclean Award ($15,000) for archivists and other professionals who are interested in archival issues. Successful applicants will have a research project that innovates in the area of archives. Projects that contribute to the history and significance of keeping records are also encouraged.
Applications close: 7 March 2008 at the granting body (applications should be submitted to the Faculty Research Office at least a few days before the granting body's closing date)
* Frederick Watson Fellowship ($15,000) for established scholars. Eminent historians, established authors, senior academics or high-profile public commentators may be eligible for this award.
Applications close: 27 June 2008 at the granting body
* Margaret George Award ($10,000) for talented, emerging scholars. Historians, journalists, university lecturers and researchers who are currently establishing themselves in their chosen profession may be eligible for this award.
Applications close: 27 June 2008 at the granting body
More information: www.naa.gov.au
CFP - Interrogating Trauma: Arts and Media Responses to Collective Suffering (Perth, WA; deadline: 31 March 2008)
Arts & Media Responses to Collective Suffering
-- International Conference --
Perth, Western Australia
2-4 December 2008
in association with the National Academy of Screen & Sound, Murdoch University
and the Faculty of Media, Society and Culture, Curtin University
Keynote Speakers:
- Felicity Collins, Humanities & Social Sciences, La Trobe University
- Suvendrini Perera, Media, Society and Culture, Curtin University
- Susannah Radstone, Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London
- Janet Walker, Film and Media Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
As we quickly approach the second decade of the 21st century the historical events that constitute the ultimate referent of so much theoretical and creative endeavour have unfortunately not waned. It is for the same reason more crucial than ever to open spaces for the considered reflection about the potentials and limitations of myriad, sometimes competing, methodological approaches and modes of creative engagement with human pain and trauma. Interrogating Trauma seeks to provide such a space. Keynote speakers, panels and presenters, as well as the accompanying exhibition and performance of art and media works, will consider methodologies, orthodoxies, and openings in order to articulate strategies for imagining the 'beyond' of trauma through arts and media responses.
PANEL and Individual PAPER proposals are invited with an abstract of no more than 250 words, plus a one-paragraph biography of the author/s. Inter- and trans-disciplinarity is encouraged. Traditional scholarly, ficto-critical and literary writing will be considered. Selected conference papers will be peer-reviewed for publication in a special journal issue or scholarly press anthology. EXHIBITION proposals of creative works that engage with the themes of the conference with an Asia-Pacific trauma focus should contain a brief artist statement and description of the work, including its format and duration or size, of no more than 250 words, plus a one-paragraph biography of the artist/s. Photography, film, video, new media, 2D, sculpture, installation, sound, and live performance works will be considered. Student works are welcome.
Themes include but are not limited to:
Apartheid, Apology, Architecture, Asia-Pacific, Art, Atrocity, Audiences, Bodies, Borders, Catastrophe, Child Soldiers, Cinema, Colonialism, Commemoration, Compensation, Conflict, Counselling, Crime, Death, Desire, Depression, Diasporas, Dictatorships, Disease, Documentary, Education, Everyday, Executions, Exile, Experimental, Exploitation, Famine, Fantasy, Forgiveness, Gender, Genocide, Globalisation, Grief, Havoc, Healing, History, Human Rights, Identities, Illness, Image, Incest, Incitement, Independence, Indigenes, Internet, Invasion, Journalism, Justice, Literature, Location, Media, Memorials, Memory, Migrants, Minorities, Museums, Music, New Media, NGOs, Nostalgia, Oppression, Oral Histories, Pain, People Smuggling, Performance, Perpetrators, Photography, Place, Politics, Post-Colonialism, Post-Memory, PTSD, Poverty, Power, Propaganda, Queer, Racism, Radio, Rape, Reception, Recognition, Reconciliation, Refugees, Reparations, Reportage, Representation, Repression, Resilience, Resistance, Revolt, Revolution, Slavery, Social Suffering, Space, Sublime, Suicide, Survivors, Television, Terror, Testimony, Therapy, Third World, Torture, Tourism, Translation, Trauma, Truth, Victims, Violence, Visual Culture, War, Witnessing, Xenophobia.
Please send proposals no later than 31 MARCH, 2008 to:
Mick Broderick
>> Downloadable a one-page conference flier.
CFP - Art History - EMAJ (electronic Melbourne art journal) Deadline: 14 April 2008
emaj (electronic Melbourne art journal) is one of the only online, refereed art history journals published in Australia. Affiliated with the Melbourne Art Journal, emaj aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original academic research in all areas and periods of art history. emaj is edited by art history postgraduates at the University of Melbourne and is published annually by the Fine Arts Network.
View our current issue at http://www.melbourneartjournal.unimelb.edu.au/E-MAJ/currentissue.htm
For the 2008 edition of emaj, the editors now seek submissions from
researchers investigating the history of art. emaj welcomes monographic articles about specific artists or art collectives as well as thematic or theoretical analyses of aspects of art history from any historical period.
Established and emerging researchers working within the fields of art history, architecture, curatorship, politics and aesthetics, visual culture, philosophy, historiography and museum studies are encouraged to apply.
Articles are to be submitted as a MS Word document attachment to:
Please include a 250-word abstract and a brief, biographical statement in the body of the email. All articles are between 4000 and 6000 words and will be blind-refereed by academics working within the relevant field.
emaj supports original research: please note that articles that have been published elsewhere, or are under consideration for publication elsewhere, will not be considered. Back issues are available on this website, as well as the style guide in html or rtf.
NEW SHOW - Fearless (Noelle Janaczewska) - Armory Theatre, Sydney Olympic Park

Director/Designer: Calros Gomes
Costume Designer: Katja Handt
Musical Direction/Original Composition: Bobby Singh & Ben Walsh
Video: Andrew Wholley
Lighting Designer: Nicholas Higgins
Performers: Rakini Devi, Annette Madden, Chris Murphy, Georgina Naidu, Parth Nanavati, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Rajan Thangavelu, Bruno Xavier
The Armory Theatre,
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7—9 March, 14—16 March & 21—23 March
8:00 pm Fridays & Saturdays, 5:00 pm Sundays
Transport options/information & bookings: www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/arts
Find out more about Noëlle’s work at www.noellejanaczewska.com
Read and respond to her opinions at http://outlier-nj.blogspot.com
NEW EXHIBITION - "Fiction, Emotion and Obsession" + other Gallery 4A News (Sydney, NSW)

exhibition dates 7 March - 19 April 2008
artist talks Saturday 29 March at 2pm
March brings to Gallery 4A three new exhibitions by Miya Hyunmi Roh, My Le Thi and Cecelia Hyunh. Journey through the fictive, emotive and psychic inner landscapes of the three women artists. Works featured use a diverse range of media from video to photography to kinetic sculpture.
view Tuesday to Saturday evenings at Gallery4A streetfront window
featuring Miya Hyunmi Roh
Screened from sunset to sunrise at the gallery foyer, 4A's new series Nightvision means Gallery 4A is alive with contemporary art 24 hours a day. If you have missed the opening hours at Gallery 4A, you can still catch featured artist, Miya Hyunmi Roh, on RED TAPE.
\\JOIN Become a member today
Signed up to become a member yet? 4A members form a vital part of our community. As a 4A member, you will be invited to our exhibition openings and kept up-to-date on the latest news. Members even get invited to participate in our annual members exhibition. Keep the 4A community dynamic with your involvement. If you are an existing member, do forward our new membership form to a friend or colleague. Or direct them to http://www.4a.com.au/.
\\LAUNCH Bowling Pin Fire by Andy Quan
Congratulations to Andy Quan on the successful launch of his new book, Bowling Pin Fire at Gallery 4A. Bowling Pin Fire is available in
\\INVITATION Leading Voices presentation with Keith Khan
UK-based Keith Khan, head of culture for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will present a free talk on cultural diversity and the art of making creative cities at Leading Voices, a talk series presented by Australia Council for the Arts. Cultural projects previously led by Khan have succeeded in promoting social inclusion and urban regeneration. Projects include RichMix, motiroti, the opening ceremony of
SCHOLARSHIP - APA(I) - Skilled migrant women in regional Australia (U of Wollongong, NSW)
Associate Professor Lenore Lyons is currently looking for a suitable student to undertake a PhD on skilled migrant women in regional
Please inform any recent graduates whom you think might be interested, and any current honours students who will be submitting their thesis this semester. Ask them to contact Lenore_Lyons@uow.edu.au directly if they are interested.
Project outline:
The successful candidate will be involved in a project on skilled migrant women in regional
SCHOLARSHIP - Landerer UK Arts Scholarship (Closing date: 28 March 2008)
The British Council is the
About the Landerer
The objective of the Landerer UK Arts Scholarship is to strengthen the relationship between the
The scholarship is $30,000 to contribute to the costs of tuition fees and stipend.
The scholarship is managed on behalf of the Landerer family by the British Council in
Criteria and eligibility
The Scholarship is open to any Australian citizen aged 30 or younger on 1 October 2008.
In 2008, postgraduate studies in the
- Architecture
- Design [Product, Automotive, Graphic, Fashion, Industrial]
- Fine art [Sculpture, Painting, Printmaking]
- Performing arts [Drama, Dance, Music, including all aspects of performance, composition, writing, design, production and direction]
- Film, video, TV and radio
- Digital media [Interactive Leisure Software]
Download application forms from http://www.britishcouncil.org/au-educationuk-scholarships-postgraduate-landerer.htm
AWARD - The Iremonger Award for Writing on Public Issues (Closing date: 1 Sept 2008)

Entries are now open for The Iremonger Award for Writing on Public Issues.
Do you know anyone who has a great idea for a non-fiction book? One that will contribute to public debate on a contemporary Australian political, social or cultural issue? Then let them know about The Iremonger Award, sponsored by Allen & Unwin, Australia’s leading independent publisher.
The winning entry will receive a cash prize of $10 000, guaranteed publication, royalties on book sales and editorial support to develop the proposal into a finished manuscript.
Entries close 1 September 2008.
For more information, including entry form and conditions as well as a list of previous winners, visit www.allenandunwin.com/iremongeraward