29 May 2008
CONFERENCE - "Missing Persons" (Postgraduate conference, Writing and Society Research Group, UWS)
On Thursday 10 and Friday 11 July 2008 the Writing and Society Research Group at the University of Western Sydney will host its inaugural postgraduate conference.
An interdisciplinary event, 'Missing Persons' will examine issues arising from loss and displacement, memory and forgetting, disappearance, erasures and caesuras, and death and dying in creative production.
The conference will feature art works, scholarly papers and readings from works-in-progress. Novelist and scholar Marion Campbell will present the keynote address.
The event will be held in conjunction with the Parramatta Artists' Studios Group Exhibition Looking at Others, Group Show - Stage 1 of The Death Project.
Registration for Missing Persons is now open. The cost for registration for non-UWS students is $80. This includes two days conference attendance, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and transport to the conference soiree on Thursday July 10.
To register, please visit:
For further information contact: writing@uws.edu.au
NEW JOURNAL and CFP - Journal of Australian Writers and Writing
The Journal of Australian Writers and Writing is a peer-reviewed journal. It forms a major component of The Australian Literary Compendium, a project funded by the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) to provide new ways of studying, reading, and reviewing Australian writing and creative practice.
The journal will be published on-line twice a year and will feature essays, fiction, book reviews and articles. The first edition, which will be posted on-line in late 2008, has as its theme "Rethinking Contemporary Australian Fiction."
Articles of up to 7,500 words (including notes) are sought on any aspect of Australian fiction writing and can include but are not limited by the following areas:
• Australian identity and culture
• Indigenous writing
• Fictionalised memoir and biography
• Redefining the Australian character in fiction
• Poetics and voice in verse novels
• Asian Australian stories
• The bush/city binary
• Experimental and new media approaches to writing fiction
• Subversion and resistance
• War narratives and new approaches to Australian heroism
• Memory, Death and Loss in contemporary Australian works
• Fiction as memory
• Pictorial texts
• Creativity and the ‘creation’ of writers
The closing dates for this Call for Papers are:
Abstracts: 25 July, 2008
Completed articles: 1 September, 2008
The website of the Australian Literary Compendium will also host radio programs produced for ABC Radio National and each of these programs will be featured as a designated webpage which includes podcasts, program transcripts, essays on the specific work, blogs and teaching discussion points.
Essays which focus on these programs are also welcome in this call for papers. To date the programs have featured the iconic Australian works:
• Kenneth Slessor - Five Bells
• Judith Wright - Rockpool
• CJ Dennis - The Glugs of Gosh
• Rosemary Dobson - The Continuance of Poetry
• A.D. Hope - The Death of the Bird
The next programs in the 2008 series will feature contemporary Australian works and these will be listed in our February 2009 call for papers.
In addition to the refereed journal, the Australian Literary Compendium website will include Australian literature through readings, interactive texts, images and music. We would therefore be interested in hearing from photographers, artists, filmmakers and musicians who are working in these media and would like to submit work for the site.
Please direct your abstracts, all enquiries about the journal or any other aspect of the project to the project coordinators and editors-in-chief:
Professor Catherine Cole, Creative Writing, School of Creative Media, RMIT University,
Melbourne. catherine.cole@rmit.edu.au / 03 9925 3714
Dr Lyn Gallacher, ABC Radio National. gallacher.lyn@abc.net.au / 03 9626 1655
CFP - Asia Pacific Social Science Review
Call for Papers: Asia Pacific Social Science Review
The Asia-Pacific Social Science Review (APSSR) is an internationally refereed journal published biannually by the College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University-Manila (Philippines). It aims to advance and deepen the study of social sciences in Asia and the Pacific.
The APSSR provides a venue for social scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to articulate, ventilate, and argue key questions and concerns towards a better understanding of social science disciplines and their impact on broad development issues. It welcomes manuscripts relating to politics, economics, sociology, history, psychology, anthropology, geography, demography, social work, urban and rural studies, forensic science, and associated disciples. The APSSR encourages theoretical and methodological papers with an emphasis on comparative study and empirical research addressing development problems in Asia and Pacific contexts. It seeks to publish research arising from a broad variety of methodological traditions and those with multi- and inter-disciplinary focus.
See journal website for information and submission details:
CFP - Conflicts of Mobility (Special issue of Subjectivities) Deadline: 30 Sept 2008
Conflicts of Mobility.
Migration, Labour and Political Subjectivities
Special Issue of Subjectivity
Guest editors:
Dr. Rutvica Andrijasevic & Dr. Bridget Anderson, University of Oxford
Migration has been and continues to be is a constituent force in the production of the modern polity and citizenship. Dynamics of migration exceed the pursuit of visibility and rights and urge us to re-think the modernist dichotomies that still structure the definition and concept of state sovereignty and the political forms of belonging. Against the predominant trend to discuss migration in the language of inclusion vs exclusion; labour as a matter of waged labour vs slavery (free vs forced labour); and migrants in terms of victims vs agents (or aliens vs citizens), this special issue calls for contributions that identify and investigate new forms of subjectivity induced by contemporary forms of mobility and labour.
This issue will open new theoretical and methodological possibilities by shifting the analysis of migration away from subjectivity as a passive discursive construction towards migration as a site of subjectivation understood in terms of a generative/affirmative process of subject's construction. This issue will therefore attempt to theorize on how agency and subjectivity emerge from constraint and to recognize the specificity of particular struggles articulated across both symbolic and material terrains. The authors are invited to address the importance of interrogating the modes of subjectivity engendered by the conditions of transnational mobility as well as discussing the ways in which migrants' practices of mobility reconfigure political space for rethinking of citizenship and sovereignty and for advancing a more nuanced analysis of present configuration of power and its global contestations.
Papers combining theoretical and conceptual work with a more detailed empirical analysis are particularly welcome. Possible topics of interests:
* migration, governmentality and transformation of sovereignty
* borders and conflicts of mobility
* movements of migration and political subjectivities
* history of migratory subjectivity
* racial and gendered making of citizenship
* practices of citizenship
* affective investments and transnational mobility
* issues of intimacy, sexuality and the conditions of citizenship
* genealogies of workers' struggles, global and temporal regimes of labour, and shifting conditions of labour
* migration and the politics of cultural (re)production
Send expressions of interest with short proposal for possible contributions to
Rutvica.Andrijasevic@compas.ox.ac.uk by 30th September 2008 at the latest. Once a proposal is accepted authors will be asked to submit full papers by 15th January 2009. Full papers will go then through the peer-review process.
20 May 2008
NEW BOOK - Green Blood and Other Stories (by Erwin Cabucos)
Manila Prints Sydney releases Green Blood and Other Stories, a collection of short stories by a talented new author Erwin Cabucos.
Fifteen short stories exploring a range of themes, including intercultural marriage, racism, social justice, bullying, religious beliefs and growing up Filipino.
Many of the characters are children, observing and challenging stereotypes and ideological positions that have been normalised in our society.
"Why is God white?" asks a character in one of the stories. The priest is left with no adequate answer.
"It is a book that you can relate to as a Filipino and as an Australian. The stories have been woven into a world of two cultures which may be a very good tool for Literacy, SOSE, Anthropology teaching and learning in Australia," says Myrla Prianes, a Brisbane-based teacher and a community leader.
Casting a racist slur over our immigrant neighbour's smelly food is represented in one of the stories, laying bare themes of racil snobbery, prejudice and persecution of those who dare to be different.
“I love the ‘reality’ and immediacy of the style, the use of language, and the way a sense of place is created. The stories are beautifully structured - a real joy to read. So alive, touching and funny,” says Judith Cheyne, Director of E-lucidate Web and Print Communications in Brisbane.
Cabucos is a teacher of secondary English in Brisbane and when not teaching, he writes short fiction which finds its way to various anthologies and publications including The Philippine Graphic Magazine and the Philippines Free Press.
"My stories are a reminder not to accept everything at face value," Cabucos said.
'Green Blood and Other Stories', ISBN 978-0-9804827-0-6, will be launched on 7 June 2008 at 12:30PM at the Brisbane Square Library.
Free entry. Everyone is welcome.
Contact the author on erwincabucos@yahoo.com.au or visit his blog: erwincabucos.blogspot.com.
PROJECT INVITATION - Chinese Australians Photography Project by AASRN Member Rahima Hayes
"I am currently working on a photographic portraiture and documentary series, which will encompass the lives of Chinese Australians in Melbourne and regional Victoria. It is a culture-bridging project, which aims to visually address the flow of people, culture, and capital between Australia and China. The photographic series will be accompanied by each participant's story, which will enable an insight into the history of Chinese Australians within Melbourne.
I am looking for Chinese-Australian families who would like to be involved.
Below is a PDF explaining the project and what is involved. It also includes images from a project completed in Beijing.
I am interested in families who may have relatives and family connections still in China, whom I would like to photograph during an Australia China Council residency in Mid July –Nov 2008.
A Melbourne City Council Young Artist grant, The Chinese Museum, and Australia China Council support the project.
If you are interested please email rahimahayes@gmail.com or phone 0404 943 941 to organise a time to meet and discuss the project in further detail."
>> Download PDF of the project.
CFP - 1st International Conference on Popular Culture and Education in Asia (11-13 Dec 2008; Hong Kong)
Thursday 11th December - Saturday 13th December 2008
Hong Kong Institute of Education
Plenary speakers will include:
-David Buckingham (Institute of Education, London)
-Chua Beng Huat (National University of Singapore)
-Koichi Iwabuchi (Waseda University, Tokyo)
-Jane Kenway (Monash University, Melbourne)
-Eric Ma Kit Wai (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
-Shelley Xu (California State University, Long Beach)
If you would like to be on the conference mailing list, please email hkpop@ied.edu.hk.
JOB - Lecturer, Communications and Media Studies (Monash University, Caulfield Campus) Deadline: 30 May 2008
Lecturer, Communications and Media Studies
School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Gippsland)
The National Centre for Australian Studies is an interdisciplinary, innovative and increasingly internationalised Centre, located within the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences at Monash University.
The Centre is seeking to appoint an enthusiastic individual to teach, publish and research in the areas of Communications and Media studies or related fields.
The Centre’s staff are actively engaged in research collaboration with universities and Australian Centres nationally and internationally. They are the recipients of major research grants and are regular presenters at local and international conferences providing frequent comment on public matters in the media.
The appointee will have a strong research record, possess a PhD and have a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching to enable them to make a dynamic contribution to this discipline.
All applications should address the selection criteria. Please refer to “How to Apply for Monash jobs” below.
Salary range: $69,853 - $82,951 pa Level B plus generous superannuation
Location: Caulfield campus
Enquiries: Dr. Mark Gibson on 9903 4221 or email mark.gibson@arts.monash.edu.au.
Ref No: A089003
Applications close: Friday, 30 May 2008
Applications: By email addressed to Ms Tara Harle at tara.harle@adm.monash.edu.au
For further information see THIS PAGE.
FINAL CFP - Activating Human Rights and Peace (1-4 July 2008; Byron Bay, NSW) Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2008
An International Conference
1-4 July 2008
Byron Bay Community and Cultural Centre,
Send a 200 word abstract with 80 word bio to: Dr Rob Garbutt <rgarbutt@scu.edu.au>
Deadline: 31 May 2008.
MASTERCLASS - Verncacular Cosmopolitanism: New Concepts; Old Connections (with Sneja Gunew) Close of registration: 30 May 2008
Sneja Gunew
and the participation of Mireille Astore
10am – 4pm Monday 23 June 2008
The concept of ‘vernacular cosmopolitanisms’ acknowledges global contexts and responsibilities at the same time that it recognizes that these are always rooted in and permeated by local concerns. The paradox of the phrase reflects the double movement of these debates. In Homi Bhabha’s coinage of the term, the vernacular ‘native’ or ‘domestic’ is always in a dialogic relation with the global-cosmopolitan “action at a distance.” In the midst of new ideological polarizations we are struggling to find ways of imagining configurations and legacies that speak to the everyday hybridity, creolization and métissage of our global relations. Making a case for cosmopolitanisms from below complicates a commonsense equation of cosmopolitanism with the elitist practices often associated with terms such as “citizen of the world.” In other words, why are the refugees, exiles, displaced people whose migrations punctuated the last two centuries (or more) not generally perceived as contributing to cosmopolitan cultural capital? Do the new debates in cosmopolitanism provide new opportunities for acknowledging these histories and subjectivities to counteract totalizing conceptualizations of nationalisms and globalization?
Venue: SOPHI Common Room 822, Level 8, Mungo McCallum Bldg, USyd.
Participants: Postgraduate and honours students and early career researchers.
Readings: Four selected readings will be distributed prior to the Masterclass.
Registration: $25 paid by 30 May. Lunch and snacks provided.
Contact: Linnell Secomb. Email: linnell.secomb@usyd.edu.au
SNEJA GUNEW (Professor, English and Women’s Studies) B.A. (Melbourne), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Newcastle, NSW), F.R.S.C., specializes in postcolonial and feminist theory, multicultural critical theory and diasporic and ethnic minority writings. She has taught in England, Australia and Canada and has published widely on postcolonial, multicultural, and feminist critical theory. Among her publications are Framing Marginality: Multicultural Literary Studies (1994) and Haunted Nations: The Colonial Dimensions of Multiculturalisms Routledge, UK (2004). She is North American editor of Feminist Theory (Sage). Her current work is in comparative multiculturalism and in diasporic literatures and their intersections with national and global cultural formations.
MIREILLE ASTORE is an artist and a poet. (PhD Contemporary Arts, University of Western Sydney, 2007; Master of Visual Arts (Research) SCA, University of Sydney, 2001; Master of Art Administration, College of Fine Arts, UNSW, 1997). She has published, exhibited and performed her works nationally and internationally in Australia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. She is sessional lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts. Web site: http://mireille.astore.id.au
ONLINE JOURNAL NEWS - Australian Humanities Review - Change of web address and editorial team
Australian Humanities Review is
Note that the entire AHR archive is available on the new site.
AHR has also moved to new editors, Monique Rooney and
Our first issue as the new editors – AHR 44 – is now online: a special issue on ‘the idea of South’ and its role in Australians’ sense of their place in the world, featuring essays by Shino Konishi, Kevin Murray, Stephen Muecke, Raewyn Connell and Margaret Jolly. The new issue also features book reviews and the Eco-Humanities Corner, with essays by Emily Potter and Paul Starr, and the late Val Plumwood.
Monique Rooney and
7 May 2008
TRIBUTE - Henry Chan (by Jacqueline Lo, on behalf of AASRN)
By Jacquie Lo on behalf of the AASRN
It is with sadness that we mark the passing of Henry Chan, a great historian and supporter of Asian Australian Studies. Henry passed away peacefully at home in the
I first met Henry in 1993 when we were both teaching at the
Henry attended the launch of the first Asian Australian Studies collection of essays, Diaspora: Negotiating Asian
WORKSHOP - Using Lives: A Postgraduate Workshop in Biography (8-12 Sept 2008; Canberra) Deadline: 15 June 2008
Using Lives: a postgraduate workshop in biography
Are you working on a thesis that is biographical in theme or approach, or draws upon biographical methods? If so, this workshop is for you.
The ANU’s Australian Dictionary of Biography, History Program RSSS, ANU and Humanities Research Centre, at the Research School of Humanities, ANU and the National Museum of Australia’s Centre for Historical Research are convening the third ‘Using Lives’ postgraduate workshop, to be held in Canberra on 8-12 September 2008. Applications are invited to participate.
Biography and ‘life writing’ figure increasingly prominently in humanities and social science research, expanding in accessibility and innovation by adapting to new technologies, exploring new materials and perspectives, and advancing new agendas. This workshop will provide a forum in which postgraduate students from around
1. generate reflection and debate on issues of biographical enquiry;
2. enable students to develop networks to assist in their research and professional development;
3. explore opportunities for the presentation of biographically-informed work
The workshop will consist of morning sessions, led by experts in areas related to these overall objectives, and afternoon sessions, in which students will present their research for discussion. The workshop is also integrated with the Seymour Lecture in Biography at the National Library of Australia. Workshop speakers will include: Mary Besemeres, Desley Deacon, Richard Holmes, Sophie Jensen, Ross McMullin, Melanie Nolan, Mark Peel, Paul Pickering, Peter Read, Peter Stanley and Carolyn Strange.
Successful applicants will have their accommodation provided if traveling to
Applications should take the form of a summary of your research and the stage you are at in preparing your thesis, and an endorsement from your head of department. These applications should be sent by 13 June 2008 to: Nicholas Brown, History Program, Research School and Social Sciences, Australian National University, ANU, ACT, 0200; or to Nicholas.brown@anu.edu.au
6 May 2008
PANEL DISCUSSION - "The Chinese Balancing Act for Australia" - Asialink event (12 May 2008; U of Melbourne)
ICT Theatre 1, 111 Barry Street, The University of Melbourne
"The Chinese balancing act for Australia"
Panel Discussion facilitated by Professor Tony Milner, Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne and Asialink board member.
"A true friend," Kevin Rudd said in Beijing "is one who can be a zhengyou, that is a partner who sees beyond immediate benefit to the broader and firm basis for continuing, profound and sincere friendship".
The speakers will discuss the challenges and the opportunities presented by China to Australia, the region and the world. Hear how the first mandarin speaking leader of a western nation, Kevin Rudd, was received in Beijing and whether 'zhengyou' is the smart strategy.
Professor David Goodman is Professor of Contemporary China Studies and has built a dynamic China research hub at the University Technology of Sydney.
Greg Sheridan, The Australia's foreign editor, is the most influential foreign affairs analyst in Australia.
Julia Gong is a teacher of Chinese in Melbourne and used to be a presenter of English Education programs on Chinese television.
ENTRY: Free of Charge
RSVP: To reserve a seat, please send an email to:
events@asialink.unimelb.edu.au with "Zhengyou" in the subject line.
5 May 2008
LECTURE - David Theo Goldberg - La Trobe U, Bundoora, Vic (29 May 2008)
to be presented by
Professor David Theo Goldberg (Director,
DATE/TIME: 29 May 2008, commencing at 6pm
Starting from reflections on the various senses of occupation at work in our current moment, Professor Goldberg considers how neo-liberalism shapes and orders contemporary sociality. He closes by contrasting homogenizing and heterogenizing dispositions to the social.
A reception and viewing of the exhibition Two Way Traffic: Émigré artists represented in the La Trobe University Art Collection will follow in the
Professor Goldberg is Director of the
RSVP 26 May 2008
Renae Belton, La
Fax: 9479 5588
Email: r.belton@latrobe.edu.au
Refreshments will be served in La Trobe University Art Museum following the lecture.
Presented by:
The Innovative Universities European Union Centre
and La
CONFERENCE - Unsettling Women: Contemporary Women's Writing and Diaspora (U of Leicester, UK; 11-13 July 2008)
University of Leicester, UK
11-13 July, 2008
Guest Speakers:
Jackie Kay (MBE), winner of the Guardian Fiction Prize and the Signal Poetry Award.
Linda Grant, winner of the Orange Prize and the Lettre Ulysses Award for the Art of Reportage.
Plenary Speakers:
Prof Carole Boyce Davies (Cornell University)
Prof Susheila Nasta (Open University)
Prof Sneja Gunew (University of British Columbia)
Prof Deborah Madsen (University of Geneva)
Plus scholars from more than 15 different countries including the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Taiwan, Brazil, Iran, Palestine, Turkey, Malaysia, Belgium, Ireland, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
Other notable speakers include: Lucie Armitt (Salford University), Maureen E. Eke (Central Michigan University), Suzanne James (University of British Columbia), Persis Karim (San Hose State University), Bronwen Levy (University of Queensland), Jago Morrison (Brunel University), Paulina Palmer (Birkbeck College), Maria Roth-Lauret (University of Sussex), Susan Stanford Friedman (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Susan Watkins (Leeds Metropolitan University), Gina Wisker (University of Brighton).
Authors to be discussed include Leila Aboulela, Monica Ali, Calixthe Beyala, Dionne Brand, Erna Brodber, Octavia Butler, Dorothy Calvetti Bryant, Kiran Desai, Anne Enright, Bernadine Evaristo, Ellen Galford, Maggie Gee, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Nalo Hopkinson, Elizabeth Jolley, Mahja Kahf, Judith Katz, Jamaica Kincaid, Jhumpa Lahiri, Doris Lessing, Andrea Levy, Audre Lorde, Alice Mcdermott, Shani Mootoo, Toni Morrison, Bharati Mukherjee, Iris Murdoch, Azar Nafisi, Carol Shields, Zadie Smith, Naomi Shihab, Ahdaf Soueif, Katherine Vaz, Marina Warner.
A registration form can be found on the conference website: www.le.ac.uk/ee/news/unsettling.html
If you have any queries, please contact Dr Emma Parker - ep27@le.ac.uk
WORKSHOP - "New Chinese Migrations" (INALCO, Paris; 12 Sept 2008) Deadline for proposals: 15 July 2008
INStitut National des Langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO)
12 septembER 2008
(8h30 AM – 6h30 PM)
The resumption of the migratory phenomenon and its impact on host societies: Overseas Chinese communities — Business networks — Relations with local authorities
Provisional panels
2. China’s economic growth, source of new migrations (Africa, Middle-East…): new migrants dynamics and reception.
3. Growing Chinese Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and their consequences on the migratory phenomenon: the present financial crisis and its impact on human, commercial and financial flows.
4. Overseas Chinese vs Nation: identity vs nationality.
5. The old emigration facing the New one: the case of regionalizing Southeast Asia.
6. Students, haigui 海归, tourists and illegal immigrants: the emigration of the Elite vs the Emigration of the Poor, the case of Europe.
Languages: English, French, Chinese
NEW ISSUE - "Cities on the Edge" - Griffith Review - Issue 20

Griffith REVIEW 20: Cities on the Edge
For the first time in history most people in the world now live in cities, and Australia is the most urbanised of the developed nations. Cities on the Edge explores what this profound change means - for the environment, civilisation and a sense of community.
In the lead essay Waking from the dream, urban planner Brendan Gleeson argues that the challenges of climate change must be met in cities, with immediate and serious responses that extend beyond traditional urban planning. In A cry in the night, Margaret Simons investigates an uneasy truce among neighbours in inner Melbourne. From northern India, Robyn Davidson describes the fragile boundary between luck and survival in Beyond the refuge of numbers, and Marcus Westbury weighs in with ideas on how cities can successfully nurture art and artists in his essay Fluid cities create. Dive in to your editions for more outstanding essays, memoir, reportage and creative writing by Adam Aitken, Creed O'Hanlon, Kate Fitzpatrick, Sally Breen, Nadia Wheatley and many more.
NOTE: This issue contains part of AASRN member Adam Aitken's memoir.
>> Visit the Griffith Review site for full issue details and ordering information.
JOB - Asian Studies - University of Melbourne (Closes: 19 May 2008)
Salary: $71,697 - $85,138 p.a. (pro rata) (Lecturer, Level B)
Superannuation: Employer contributions of 9%
An opportunity exists for a Lecturer in Asian Studies. This is a part-time fixed term position in the area of Asian health and human rights.
Applications close 19 May 2008.>> View full advertisement for University of Melbourne Asian Studies Lecturer position HERE.
1 May 2008
NEW SHOW - From Little Things (Melbourne)

'From Little Things...', is a tale of wonders, a story of two lovers living in the same country yet inhabiting different worlds. A haunting and layered piece which explores the collision of modernity and the past, home and culture and what it means to be a human, a lover, a son, a daughter, an Australian.
Traversing back and forth in time, us, the audience, is taken on a spellbinding journey, through memories and myths. All brought vividly to life using elements of martial arts, dance, storytelling, music and song. We visit battle fields in ancient
'From Little Things...', the inaugural production of the Australasian Chinese Theatre Company. The ACT has a mission to create and produce intrinsically cross-cultural performances with elements borrowed and fused from Australasian/English and Chinese traditions, ancient and modern.
All profits go to the Mirabel Foundation: Mirabel supports children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug use and are now in the care of an extended family (kinship care). www.mirabelfoundation.com
Written and directed by award winning theatre maker Aurora Kurth. Performed by Aurora Kurth and Joshua Erwin. Produced by Moni Storz.
6 Shows only!
Thursday 1st May @ 8pm
Friday 2nd May @ 8pm
Saturday 3rd May @ 6pm
Friday 9th May @ 8pm
Saturday 10th May @ 6pm
Tickets available at the door. Cash only!
Bookings - 9596 1756 or gbs002@ozemail.com.au
>> Jumping the Gap (article in The Age)