Griffith REVIEW 20: Cities on the Edge
For the first time in history most people in the world now live in cities, and Australia is the most urbanised of the developed nations. Cities on the Edge explores what this profound change means - for the environment, civilisation and a sense of community.
In the lead essay Waking from the dream, urban planner Brendan Gleeson argues that the challenges of climate change must be met in cities, with immediate and serious responses that extend beyond traditional urban planning. In A cry in the night, Margaret Simons investigates an uneasy truce among neighbours in inner Melbourne. From northern India, Robyn Davidson describes the fragile boundary between luck and survival in Beyond the refuge of numbers, and Marcus Westbury weighs in with ideas on how cities can successfully nurture art and artists in his essay Fluid cities create. Dive in to your editions for more outstanding essays, memoir, reportage and creative writing by Adam Aitken, Creed O'Hanlon, Kate Fitzpatrick, Sally Breen, Nadia Wheatley and many more.
NOTE: This issue contains part of AASRN member Adam Aitken's memoir.
>> Visit the Griffith Review site for full issue details and ordering information.