28 February 2007
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS - The 12th METROPOLIS Conference Extended Deadline: 15 March 2007
Extended Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2007
Workshop proposals on topics related to migration and diversity are invited from researchers, policy-makers, NGOs and other interested delegates. Workshop proposals will be adjudicated according to several criteria, including the strength of the proposal, best fit with conference themes, overall structure of the workshop, and representation of a broad range of perspectives from various countries, sectors and backgrounds.
For more information see: http://www.metropolis2007.org/
Extended Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2007
Workshop proposals on topics related to migration and diversity are invited from researchers, policy-makers, NGOs and other interested delegates. Workshop proposals will be adjudicated according to several criteria, including the strength of the proposal, best fit with conference themes, overall structure of the workshop, and representation of a broad range of perspectives from various countries, sectors and backgrounds.
For more information see: http://www.metropolis2007.org/
22 February 2007
SCHOLARSHIPS – 2 PhD scholarships offered in the area of print cultures studies at UQ (Closing date for applications:16 Mar 07)
Two PhD scholarships offered in the area of print cultures studies in the School of English, Media Studies and Art History at The University of Queensland, to be supervised by Professor David Carter (Professor of Australian Literature and Cultural History).
One will be in the broadly defined area of 'modern print culture studies'. This term is taken to cover issues of publishing, bookselling and reading in the period from the late 18th century to the present. Preference may be given to research proposals in the area of 20th century English-language print cultures and proposals focused on Australian, British or Canadian studies and questions of imperial or (post)colonial print cultures, but candidates with interests across the full range of modern print culture studies are encouraged to apply.
The second PhD scholarship will be focused on researching aspects of the relationship between American publishers and Australian books, especially in the area of fiction publishing. The PhD is part of a research project funded by the Australian Research Council, 'America Publishes Australia: Australian Books and American Publishers 1890-2005', recently awarded to Professor Carter. Potential topics include the study of the publishing career of an individual writer or group of writers where this involves substantial American as well as Australian and/or British editions; the relationships of a particular publishing house with Australian books; Australian best-selling titles in the USA; or the reception of a body of Australian titles in the USA.
A full description of this project can be found at:
The precise scope and topic of the successful applicants' work will be negotiated through discussions with Professor Carter and associate academic supervisors, but there is a wide range of relevant topics which could be considered within each project's parameters. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to work closely with a print cultures research team located in the School of English, Media Studies and Art History and AustLit: The Resource for Australian Literature, a world-class database project for Australian literature research. The University of Queensland also hosts the Fryer Library, one of Australia's leading research collections in Australian literary materials.
These are three-year full-time scholarships commencing in 2007 and contingent on continued satisfactory progress. The value of the scholarships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award plus 10% (2007 rate is A$21,154 per annum tax free). It is hoped that the successful applicant would be able to commence by the middle of 2007.
Applications should include: a covering letter that includes the vacancy reference number, your contact address and telephone number, a statement indicating your suitability for the project, and a brief outline of research interests; a curriculum vitae, including details of education and qualifications and the names and contact details of three referees. You should possess relevant qualifications in literary studies, history, cultural studies, print culture studies, book history or a related field, and be eligible for entry into the PhD program.
Applications from international students are welcomed; the University supports remote candidatures for PhD students based outside Australia. International applicants should refer to the website:
for information regarding tuition fee scholarships.
For further information, please contact Professor David Carter on email david.carter@uq.edu.au or Angela Tuohy, Administrative Officer(Research Higher Degree Studies), School of English, Media Studies and Art History, on 61 (0)7 3365 2501 or email a.tuohy@uq.edu.au and see:
Applications should be sent to:
Professor David Carter
School of English, Media Studies and Art History
The University of Queensland
St Lucia Queensland 4072
Email: pgstudies@emsah.uq.edu.au
Closing date for applications: 16 March 2007
Reference Number: 3005260
One will be in the broadly defined area of 'modern print culture studies'. This term is taken to cover issues of publishing, bookselling and reading in the period from the late 18th century to the present. Preference may be given to research proposals in the area of 20th century English-language print cultures and proposals focused on Australian, British or Canadian studies and questions of imperial or (post)colonial print cultures, but candidates with interests across the full range of modern print culture studies are encouraged to apply.
The second PhD scholarship will be focused on researching aspects of the relationship between American publishers and Australian books, especially in the area of fiction publishing. The PhD is part of a research project funded by the Australian Research Council, 'America Publishes Australia: Australian Books and American Publishers 1890-2005', recently awarded to Professor Carter. Potential topics include the study of the publishing career of an individual writer or group of writers where this involves substantial American as well as Australian and/or British editions; the relationships of a particular publishing house with Australian books; Australian best-selling titles in the USA; or the reception of a body of Australian titles in the USA.
A full description of this project can be found at:
The precise scope and topic of the successful applicants' work will be negotiated through discussions with Professor Carter and associate academic supervisors, but there is a wide range of relevant topics which could be considered within each project's parameters. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to work closely with a print cultures research team located in the School of English, Media Studies and Art History and AustLit: The Resource for Australian Literature, a world-class database project for Australian literature research. The University of Queensland also hosts the Fryer Library, one of Australia's leading research collections in Australian literary materials.
These are three-year full-time scholarships commencing in 2007 and contingent on continued satisfactory progress. The value of the scholarships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award plus 10% (2007 rate is A$21,154 per annum tax free). It is hoped that the successful applicant would be able to commence by the middle of 2007.
Applications should include: a covering letter that includes the vacancy reference number, your contact address and telephone number, a statement indicating your suitability for the project, and a brief outline of research interests; a curriculum vitae, including details of education and qualifications and the names and contact details of three referees. You should possess relevant qualifications in literary studies, history, cultural studies, print culture studies, book history or a related field, and be eligible for entry into the PhD program.
Applications from international students are welcomed; the University supports remote candidatures for PhD students based outside Australia. International applicants should refer to the website:
for information regarding tuition fee scholarships.
For further information, please contact Professor David Carter on email david.carter@uq.edu.au or Angela Tuohy, Administrative Officer(Research Higher Degree Studies), School of English, Media Studies and Art History, on 61 (0)7 3365 2501 or email a.tuohy@uq.edu.au and see:
Applications should be sent to:
Professor David Carter
School of English, Media Studies and Art History
The University of Queensland
St Lucia Queensland 4072
Email: pgstudies@emsah.uq.edu.au
Closing date for applications: 16 March 2007
Reference Number: 3005260
21 February 2007
AASRN EVENT - An Asian Australian Occasion: Film Festival and Panel Discussions (18 May 2007; U of Queensland, St Lucia) Deadline: 30 March 2007

COST: Free admission
"An Asian Australian Occasion" will showcase a combination of panel discussions and short films that creatively construct and interrogate conceptualisations of Asian Australian identities.
This special one-day event also aims to promote conversations among senior and emerging academics, artists and activists.
The film program includes Fish Sauce Breath, Delivery Day, Karaoke King, Chinese Take Away, Pho Now! and The Girl in the Mirror.
Speakers include:
"An Asian Australian Occasion" will showcase a combination of panel discussions and short films that creatively construct and interrogate conceptualisations of Asian Australian identities.
This special one-day event also aims to promote conversations among senior and emerging academics, artists and activists.
The film program includes Fish Sauce Breath, Delivery Day, Karaoke King, Chinese Take Away, Pho Now! and The Girl in the Mirror.
Speakers include:
- Ben Cho - film critic
- Benjamin Law - screen writer
- Anna Yen - writer/performer
- Alan Han - doctoral candidate and activist
- Jen Tsen Kwok - doctoral candidate and Alien Invader 'zine co-creator
- Assoc. Prof David Ip - UQ Academic
- Dr Jacqueline Lo - ANU Academic and Chair, AASRN
The main program will be complemented by more experimental works showing in a "drop in" screen room and a publication featuring vox pops, interveiws and more.
Short films, essays and other works for the publication welcome: Deadline 30 March 2007
19 February 2007
CFP: Multiculturalism, Pluralism, and Globalization (4-5 Oct 2007; La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA)
An interdisciplinary conference sponsored by The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Office of International Education and the Department of History
Keynote Speaker:
Harvey Sarles, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota
We invite proposals for individual papers and entire panels for an interdisciplinary conference that deals with various aspects of multiculturalism, pluralism, and globalization. Papers and presentations from all disciplines and time periods are welcome.
From ancient times to the present, people have sought to understand and create their identities both as individuals and as groups. In so doing, they not only define who they are, but also who they are not. What makes one group different from another? Who defines those differences? And what are the consequences of such definitions? To what degree do these definitions create opportunities for conflict and for peace?
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
immigration and diasporas; “clash of civilizations”; diversity; definitions of community; economic class and property; race, ethnicity and language; nationalism and the nation; separatism, tolerance, and integration; identity politics; national or tribal membership and identity; ecologies of place or of culture; human rights, civil rights and natural law; religious/ethical values and identity; class, caste and gender.
Please send a short (approx. 150 words) abstract, along with a 1-2 page c.v. and contact information by March 8, 2007 to:
Dr. Deborah Buffton
Department of History
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601
Fax: 608-785-8370
Keynote Speaker:
Harvey Sarles, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota
We invite proposals for individual papers and entire panels for an interdisciplinary conference that deals with various aspects of multiculturalism, pluralism, and globalization. Papers and presentations from all disciplines and time periods are welcome.
From ancient times to the present, people have sought to understand and create their identities both as individuals and as groups. In so doing, they not only define who they are, but also who they are not. What makes one group different from another? Who defines those differences? And what are the consequences of such definitions? To what degree do these definitions create opportunities for conflict and for peace?
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
immigration and diasporas; “clash of civilizations”; diversity; definitions of community; economic class and property; race, ethnicity and language; nationalism and the nation; separatism, tolerance, and integration; identity politics; national or tribal membership and identity; ecologies of place or of culture; human rights, civil rights and natural law; religious/ethical values and identity; class, caste and gender.
Please send a short (approx. 150 words) abstract, along with a 1-2 page c.v. and contact information by March 8, 2007 to:
Dr. Deborah Buffton
Department of History
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601
Fax: 608-785-8370
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Everyday Multiculturalism (Macquarie U)
The proceedings of the "Everyday Multiculturalism" conference, held by the Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie University - 28-29 September 2006, are now online.
Edited by Selvaraj Velayutham and Amanda Wise.
>> Go to the Everyday Multiculturalism proceedings.
NEW PUBLICATION: Journal of Diasporic Chinese Art and Literature (Haiwai Zhongguo Wenyi Pinglun)
A bi-annual journal published by the College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, China.
This publication is actively seeking contributions focused on Chinese Australian art and literature.
Chief Editor: Cao Shunqing
Executive Editor: Zhao Yiheng
Academic Advisors:
Laifong Leung (Alberta)
Michel Hockx (London)
Yinde Zhang (Paris)
Mabel Lee (Sydney)
Ha Jin (Boston)
Sau-ling Wong (Berkeley)
Ling-chi Wang (Berkeley)
Rao Fanzi (Guangzhou)
Liu Denghan (Fuzhou)
Chen Gongzhong (Nanchang)
Huang Manhua (Jinan)
Zhang Ziqing (Nanjing)
Contributions/enquiries (Chinese or English) should be forwarded to Professor Zhao Yiheng. EMAIL: hwzgwy@163.com or chhyzhyh@yeah.net
A bi-annual journal published by the College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, China.
This publication is actively seeking contributions focused on Chinese Australian art and literature.
Chief Editor: Cao Shunqing
Executive Editor: Zhao Yiheng
Academic Advisors:
Laifong Leung (Alberta)
Michel Hockx (London)
Yinde Zhang (Paris)
Mabel Lee (Sydney)
Ha Jin (Boston)
Sau-ling Wong (Berkeley)
Ling-chi Wang (Berkeley)
Rao Fanzi (Guangzhou)
Liu Denghan (Fuzhou)
Chen Gongzhong (Nanchang)
Huang Manhua (Jinan)
Zhang Ziqing (Nanjing)
Contributions/enquiries (Chinese or English) should be forwarded to Professor Zhao Yiheng. EMAIL: hwzgwy@163.com or chhyzhyh@yeah.net
14 February 2007
NEW PUBLICATION: Dominic Golding's Shrimp
Dominic Golding's play, Shrimp, is to be published by Currency Press.
Information on the play from the Melbourne Theatre Workers' website:
"Shrimp, by Dominic Golding, was presented by La Mama in association with Melbourne Workers Theatre and Big West Festival. Vietnamese war-baby, Dom Golding, was adopted into an Australian family in Mount Gambier. In 1999, he returned to Vietnam for his own tour of duty. Shrimp is a theatrical autobiography that takes us to the streets of war-torn Saigon, the wet pastures of Mount Gambier and the varied landscapes of modern Vietnam."
>> Review of Shrimp by Ari Sharp on "The Program" website
Information on the play from the Melbourne Theatre Workers' website:
"Shrimp, by Dominic Golding, was presented by La Mama in association with Melbourne Workers Theatre and Big West Festival. Vietnamese war-baby, Dom Golding, was adopted into an Australian family in Mount Gambier. In 1999, he returned to Vietnam for his own tour of duty. Shrimp is a theatrical autobiography that takes us to the streets of war-torn Saigon, the wet pastures of Mount Gambier and the varied landscapes of modern Vietnam."
>> Review of Shrimp by Ari Sharp on "The Program" website
12 February 2007
CONFERENCE: Celebrating Australian China Scholarship Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. (To be Held: 27-29 June 2007)
CONFERENCE: Celebrating Australian China Scholarship Griffith University, South Bank, Brisbane Queensland, Australia.
(To be Held: 27-29 June 2007)
For more info please visit:
The Chinese Studies Association of Australia [CSAA] is the professional association for China specialists and post-graduate students in Australia. Its membership includes many specialists in the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, history, language, law, justice studies, linguistics, political science, sociology, literature and other aspects of Chinese society and culture. The 10th biennial CSAA conference will be held at Griffith University's South Bank campus. South Bank is a city-centre cultural precinct beside the Brisbane River, featuring parks, theatres, restaurants, museum, art galleries, and Griffith University campuses.
(To be Held: 27-29 June 2007)
For more info please visit:
The Chinese Studies Association of Australia [CSAA] is the professional association for China specialists and post-graduate students in Australia. Its membership includes many specialists in the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, history, language, law, justice studies, linguistics, political science, sociology, literature and other aspects of Chinese society and culture. The 10th biennial CSAA conference will be held at Griffith University's South Bank campus. South Bank is a city-centre cultural precinct beside the Brisbane River, featuring parks, theatres, restaurants, museum, art galleries, and Griffith University campuses.
9 February 2007
CONFERENCE: "Australian Chinese, Australian Politics" (Queensland Chinese Forum conference; 11 March 2007, Qld Parliament House)
The proposed Queensland Chinese Forum will provide the opportunity for aspiring persons in the Chinese community to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of politics in Queensland and Australia.
This conference is aimed at Australians of Chinese descent, especially youths.
To find out more, take a look at the programme (which includes a listing of keynote speakers):
QCF conference programme
To register, complete the QCF conference registration form. Registration closes 23 February 2007.
This conference is aimed at Australians of Chinese descent, especially youths.
To find out more, take a look at the programme (which includes a listing of keynote speakers):
QCF conference programme
To register, complete the QCF conference registration form. Registration closes 23 February 2007.
MENTORSHIPS - Australian Society of Authors Mentorships for Talented Writers and Picture Book Illustrators (Applications close: 2 April 2007)
The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) is offering 20 mentorships for talented writers and picture book illustrators (PBIs) in 2007-08.
Applications will be accepted in the genres of fiction, literary non-fiction(autobiography, biography, essays, history, literary criticism or analytical writing), poetry, Young Adult writing, children's writing and picture book illustration.
The ASA mentorship program gives successful applicants the chance to develop their manuscript to the highest professional standard and, through their participation in writers festivals, to bring their work to the attention of publishers, literary agents and future readers.
Applications are judged on literary merit.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to work closely with a mentor of their choice for 30 hours over one year. The ASA has over 100 experienced authors and illustrators available as mentors. Applicants are also free to nominate a mentor who is not on the register.
At the completion of the mentorship, selected participants will be invited to read their work, appear in conversation with, or participate in panel discussions at state and/or regional writers festivals. Travel expenses will be paid.
Entry is free for ASA members and $55 per entry for non-members.
Applications close Monday, 2 April 2007.
For more information including full eligibility criteria, submission guidelines, a list of mentors and the entry form, please go to: http://www.asauthors.org
or phone Jill Dimond at the ASA on 02 9318 0877
or email jill@asauthors.org
The ASA mentorship program is supported by Copyright Agency Limited.
Applications will be accepted in the genres of fiction, literary non-fiction(autobiography, biography, essays, history, literary criticism or analytical writing), poetry, Young Adult writing, children's writing and picture book illustration.
The ASA mentorship program gives successful applicants the chance to develop their manuscript to the highest professional standard and, through their participation in writers festivals, to bring their work to the attention of publishers, literary agents and future readers.
Applications are judged on literary merit.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to work closely with a mentor of their choice for 30 hours over one year. The ASA has over 100 experienced authors and illustrators available as mentors. Applicants are also free to nominate a mentor who is not on the register.
At the completion of the mentorship, selected participants will be invited to read their work, appear in conversation with, or participate in panel discussions at state and/or regional writers festivals. Travel expenses will be paid.
Entry is free for ASA members and $55 per entry for non-members.
Applications close Monday, 2 April 2007.
For more information including full eligibility criteria, submission guidelines, a list of mentors and the entry form, please go to: http://www.asauthors.org
or phone Jill Dimond at the ASA on 02 9318 0877
or email jill@asauthors.org
The ASA mentorship program is supported by Copyright Agency Limited.
4 February 2007
CONFERENCE - 2nd International Racisms in the New World Order Conference. Sunshine Coast (To be held on 6-7 Dec 2007)
2nd International Racisms in the New World Order Conference.
At the Ramada Pelican Waters, on the Sunshine Coast.
(To be held on 6-7 December 2007).
For more information please contact:
Mitra Khakbaz
Centre for Multicultural and Community Development
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of the Sunshine Coast Maroochydore Qld 4558
Tel: +61 7 5430 1259
Fax: +61 7 5430 2859
Email: cmcd@usc.edu.au
2nd International Racisms in the New World Order Conference.
At the Ramada Pelican Waters, on the Sunshine Coast.
(To be held on 6-7 December 2007).
For more information please contact:
Mitra Khakbaz
Centre for Multicultural and Community Development
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of the Sunshine Coast Maroochydore Qld 4558
Tel: +61 7 5430 1259
Fax: +61 7 5430 2859
Email: cmcd@usc.edu.au
2 February 2007
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS - The 12th METROPOLIS Conference: Melbourne (Closes 15 Feb 2007)
Closing date for workshop proposals: 15 FEBRUARY 2007
In October 2007, the prestigious Metropolis conference will be held for the first time outside the Northern Hemisphere in Melbourne. The theme for the conference is Migration, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion. The Melbourne Metropolis conference is being organised by the Monash Institute for the Study for Global Movements and the Australian Multicultural Foundation, with financial support from both the Victorian and Australian governments. The Scanlon Foundation is also providing support for a major study on social cohesion, which will be launched at the Conference. The Metropolis conference focuses on immigration and settlement issues around the globe. Melbourne won the right to host the 2007 conference partly because of Victoria's long history of successful multiculturalism. Plenary sessions will be held each day, with high profile Australian and international speakers. The conference will therefore give us the opportunity to also hear from European, North American, New Zealand and Asian colleagues about how immigration and settlement is changing in their countries and regions in this timeof increasing global population movement.
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS http://www.metropolis2007.org/workshop.php
The backbone of Metropolis Conferences is the workshop program, consisting of topics proposed by participants. Conference organisers are now calling for workshop proposals on topics related to migration, settlement, and diversity from researchers, policy-makers, NGOs and other interested delegates both in Australia and overseas. Participants are particularly encouraged to put forward proposals where a number of perspectives are represented. For example, as a researcher, you may be interested in providing a perspective on identity and social cohesion issues for Muslim women in Australia, and may wish to include in your presentation a representative of an Australian Muslim womens group, and/or a relevant State or Australian government representative. Alternatively, you may have colleagues from overseas or interstate who would be interested in presenting with you a topic on comparative issues between Australia and their country. This type of workshop has been very useful in previous Metropolis conferences to present a range of perspectives on a topic. Conference organisers are eager to have as many applications as possible, so please give some thought to this. Please note that the deadline for proposals is 15 February 2007 and that all proposals should be submitted through the website:
Closing date for workshop proposals: 15 FEBRUARY 2007
In October 2007, the prestigious Metropolis conference will be held for the first time outside the Northern Hemisphere in Melbourne. The theme for the conference is Migration, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion. The Melbourne Metropolis conference is being organised by the Monash Institute for the Study for Global Movements and the Australian Multicultural Foundation, with financial support from both the Victorian and Australian governments. The Scanlon Foundation is also providing support for a major study on social cohesion, which will be launched at the Conference. The Metropolis conference focuses on immigration and settlement issues around the globe. Melbourne won the right to host the 2007 conference partly because of Victoria's long history of successful multiculturalism. Plenary sessions will be held each day, with high profile Australian and international speakers. The conference will therefore give us the opportunity to also hear from European, North American, New Zealand and Asian colleagues about how immigration and settlement is changing in their countries and regions in this timeof increasing global population movement.
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS http://www.metropolis2007.org/workshop.php
The backbone of Metropolis Conferences is the workshop program, consisting of topics proposed by participants. Conference organisers are now calling for workshop proposals on topics related to migration, settlement, and diversity from researchers, policy-makers, NGOs and other interested delegates both in Australia and overseas. Participants are particularly encouraged to put forward proposals where a number of perspectives are represented. For example, as a researcher, you may be interested in providing a perspective on identity and social cohesion issues for Muslim women in Australia, and may wish to include in your presentation a representative of an Australian Muslim womens group, and/or a relevant State or Australian government representative. Alternatively, you may have colleagues from overseas or interstate who would be interested in presenting with you a topic on comparative issues between Australia and their country. This type of workshop has been very useful in previous Metropolis conferences to present a range of perspectives on a topic. Conference organisers are eager to have as many applications as possible, so please give some thought to this. Please note that the deadline for proposals is 15 February 2007 and that all proposals should be submitted through the website:
Special announcement - Call for AAI 2 Postgraduate Workshop Proposals: ANU House (27 June 2007)
AASRN Special Announcement:
*urgent reminder for workshop proposals*
AAI 2 Postgraduate Workshop
(27 June 2007) at ANU House, 52 Collins Street.
Postgraduates wishing to take advantage of a special opportunity to present works-in-progress for focused discussion with key Asian Australian studies scholars at the above workshop should submit their material as soon as possible to:
NOTE: Workshop numbers are limited. Applicants should describe their area of research and methodology (max 200 words) and a short bio (max 200 words).
Workshop enquiries should be directed to Jacqueline Lo at email: Jacqueline.Lo@anu.edu.au
For details see: http://www.asianaustralianstudies.org/AAI2/pgradworkshop.html
For more information on the Second Asian Australian Identities Conference (AAI 2) please visit:
http:// www.asianaustralianstudies.org/AAI2/index.html
Earlybird discounts for the conference are offered up to COB Friday 27 April 2007.
*urgent reminder for workshop proposals*
AAI 2 Postgraduate Workshop
(27 June 2007) at ANU House, 52 Collins Street.
Postgraduates wishing to take advantage of a special opportunity to present works-in-progress for focused discussion with key Asian Australian studies scholars at the above workshop should submit their material as soon as possible to:
NOTE: Workshop numbers are limited. Applicants should describe their area of research and methodology (max 200 words) and a short bio (max 200 words).
Workshop enquiries should be directed to Jacqueline Lo at email: Jacqueline.Lo@anu.edu.au
For details see: http://www.asianaustralianstudies.org/AAI2/pgradworkshop.html
For more information on the Second Asian Australian Identities Conference (AAI 2) please visit:
http:// www.asianaustralianstudies.org/AAI2/index.html
Earlybird discounts for the conference are offered up to COB Friday 27 April 2007.
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