3 August 2007

CONFERENCE - TSCF conference on Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital (15-19 Dec 2007; Hawaii, USA)

Multi-ethnicity is subject to a heavily contested debate. Its importance for society is huge: first, because it developed considerably in the Western countries in only a few decades; second, because its emergence involves - beyond an increased ability for cross-cultural communication - the transformation of crucial ancestral dimensions, such as culture, biology, family relationships, and relation to ancestors, as well as concepts of sexuality and death, and belonging to a nation or community. These transformations may have considerable impact on social behavior in a wide range of contexts, including economic life and political democracy. All these transformations are far from being an "easy process", contrary to what political leadership may suggest.

This conference will bring together social scientists, economists, policymakers, social workers and the widest spectrum of the involved players to explore the issues arising in an increasingly multiethnic society. The objective is to make progress on the understanding of these issues, by shedding light on some current developments and drafting innovative, practical responses.

>> Visit the Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital conference website.