Asian/Pacific/American Institute publication
Yellow Peril: Collecting Xenophobia
A Visual Essay from the Yoshio Kishi / Irene Yah Ling Sun Collection, Fales Library & Special Collections, New York University
Now available online for purchase!
100% of all proceeds go to the A/P/A Institute Graduate Assistant in Archives Fellowship
Yellow Peril: Collecting Xenophobia is a visual essay commemorating the "Archivist of the Yellow Peril: Yoshio Kishi Collecting for a New America" exhibition held at A/P/A Institute in 2005 and 2006, which was curated by John Kuo Wei Tchen with assistance from NYU alumni Dylan Yeats and Anne Kim. The book features images of yellow peril items that were on display and are in the Yoshio Kishi / Irene Yah Ling Sun Collection (made possible in large part by a donation made in memory of Dr. Wei Yu Chen) and provides a historical context/explanation of yellow peril and how this phenomenon came to be. Essay written by Dylan Yeats, Foreword by John Kuo Wei Tchen, photographs by Peter Wing (see the project portfolio on his website HERE), and book designed by Kiku Yamaguchi, BabyAlpaca Design, this beautiful publication is for sale for $18 from A/P/A Institute only, and all proceeds go towards funding the stipend portion of the Graduate Assistantship in A/PA Archives. For more information, email apa.archives@nyu.edu or call (212) 998-3700.
To purchase copies of Yellow Peril: Collecting Xenophobia, visit: http://www.apa.nyu.edu/yellowperil/