5 May 2008

WORKSHOP - "New Chinese Migrations" (INALCO, Paris; 12 Sept 2008) Deadline for proposals: 15 July 2008

Workshop "New CHINESE Migrations"

INStitut National des Langues
et civilisations orientales (INALCO)
& Péninsule

12 septembER 2008
(8h30 AM – 6h30 PM)
at INALCO – Centre Dauphine

Chinese Migrations to Europe and Elsewhere and Overseas Chinese Communities

The resumption of the migratory phenomenon and its impact on host societies: Overseas Chinese communities — Business networks — Relations with local authorities

The economic liberalization and the end of the Cold War gave a new impetus to the Chinese migrations, particularly towards Western European countries having a long tradition of Chinese immigration (Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, etc.) at the end of the 1990’s. These new migrations include both 1) undergraduate or graduate students coming to acquire complementary degrees, and 2) unskilled workers.

What are the main trends of the phenomenon, particularly by comparison with the United States where the population of Chinese origin doubles every ten years? What about the insertion of the migrants into the European workforce, knowing that the rate of Asian workers without residence permits doubled during the last thirty years in Japan? Do these new migrations to Europe differ from the emigration towards the United States and Canada?

What are the networks of illegal immigration, particularly trough Eastern Europe (Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary…)? Which policy could be implemented by the Chinese and host countries authorities to master the new immigration flows?

What are the links between this new Chinese emigration (businessmen, tourists, students, workers) and the development of Chinese FDI to Europe, Africa and North America? How the long-established Overseas Chinese communities see their relations with the new migrants?

Provisional panels

1. Sino-European and Sino-American synergies and dialogue of civilizations: ASEM, ASEF, etc.
2. China’s economic growth, source of new migrations (Africa, Middle-East…): new migrants dynamics and reception.
3. Growing Chinese Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and their consequences on the migratory phenomenon: the present financial crisis and its impact on human, commercial and financial flows.
4. Overseas Chinese vs Nation: identity vs nationality.
5. The old emigration facing the New one: the case of regionalizing Southeast Asia.
6. Students, haigui
海归, tourists and illegal immigrants: the emigration of the Elite vs the Emigration of the Poor, the case of Europe.

Languages: English, French, Chinese

Inscription fees: 70 € (Including lunch and evening cocktail at INALCO on September 12th)

Contact: Ms Emilie PREL : zhihuiaimeili@hotmail.com

Deadline for inscription and proposals for papers: 15 July

Deadline for abstracts submission: 30 July