14 January 2008

RESOURCE - Shao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center

Shao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center (based at the University of Ohio)

In 1993, with an endowment of $500,000 from Dr. Shao You-Bao, the Dr. Shao You-Bao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center was launched at Ohio University Library. The Center has identified the Overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia as a priority area, especially for the identification and preservation of manuscripts and printed materials. The missions of the Center are to collect, preserve, and make accessible the manuscripts and published resources by and on the Overseas Chinese. In addition to collections of books and journals, the Center will actively seek to identify, acquire, and preserve manuscripts, archives, and other unique resources documenting the activities of Overseas Chinese.

>> Visit the Shao Center.

The current listing of Australian scholars in this field can be found HERE.