7 November 2006

AASRN PANEL - Asian = UnAustralian? Panel at the CSAA conference (Canberra, ACT; 6-8 Dec 2006)

"Asian = UnAustralian?"
Panel presentation by the Asian Australian Studies Research Network

Panel Chair: Dean Chan (Edith Cowan University)

Asian Australian Studies sites itself in and of Australia. The discipline interpolates Asians in Australian narratives and discourses, while drawing on contemporary Asian discourse and diasporic theory from a range of international spaces. This shift in focus and the creation of new disciplinary boundaries means that Asian Australian individuals and communities are addressed as complex hybrids with multiple cultural allegiances simultaneously located within and beyond the nation. This panel explores the challenges of locating diasporic practices and identities within the troubled and embattled battlefield of the nation.

Panel presenters:
  • Jen Tsen Kwok: "The Production of Ethnic Identity and Difference in the First Speeches of Asian Australian Parliamentarians"
  • Simon Choo: "Your habitus stinks! Emplacing durian through a sensory anthropology of food"
  • Christine Clark: "Echoes of Home, but which one? Contemporary Art by Asian Australians"
  • Jacqueline Lo: "'Queer Magic': Performing Mixed-race on the Stage"

Full information can be found on the AASRN Events page.